DPS tier list ranking for raids out

Demon Hunters were trash last expansion. Let us have a patch… jeez

If you’re talking M+ sure locks aren’t great… if you’re talking raids… they’re by far and away the class with the most A and S tier patches. Like it’s not even close compared to the remaining specs.

If you’re a hardcore raider and you want a relatively reliable class that will have at least 1 spec on top… play lock.

Have you even looked at Dragonflight or are you just making stuff up?

It’s disgusting how favoured melee are in Dragonflight and how difficult it is for most ranged to even get a cast off. Dragonflight is by far the most melee friendly / ranged punishing expansion they’ve ever done.

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I hate these lists.

Like HPal is an ‘A Tier’ just because of Aura mastery…

So should I panic and swap to FOTM now?

Mages have pretty much always been been warlock’s red-headed step child since WoW was released.

Nice to see that fact isn’t gunna change anytime soon either.

1 nerf took assassination from A to B. #RIPEXSANQ #Imissyou #myheartwontheal


Yeah should just change it to a hot or not for tierlists.

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going to have to wait see. Melee is good now due to tank mass pulling w2w, once you get into harder content when getting hit 2 times from avoidable AoE is going to kill you or mobs live long enough for range to pump it will be a different game. Most range needs ramp time up and when mobs die so fast due to melee burst range doesn’t really have a chance to shine.

traditionally raids range more more advantage like spread out mechancis or running to getting orbs.

A lot of people seem to get triggered seeing these lists. The lists themselves aren’t really to be taken as scripture and they say just as much. Not to mention this list specifically is in regards to raiding, it doesn’t consider M+, PvP, ect…

I’ve also never been refused a spot because of my class and I play warrior lol.

Tier lists are a meme =. =

Do you know the meaning of this word? I don’t believe the bible or religion has anything to do with class balancing. Curb your vocabulary.

Right because there’s no spread mechanics, no mechanics that knock you away from the boss or radial nukes, and no blade storm like abilities.

Switched from my warrior to my Hunter and I feel like a kid in a candy store with how easy it is to DPS. Hardly have to move and don’t have to pay attention to any mechanics lol.

Phew, right over the head huh?

Oh do explain why you used a word referring to content in a bible that went over my head? Should be amusing.

More hunter buffs please.

Destro and Aff in B tier? Buff lock pls theyre so bad qq

Not reflective of my personal experience so far.

I don’t know if this chart is accurate. I am easily an E and I don’t see my picture or anyone else’s for that matter in either the E or F column. Maybe that is for more unlockable content or something? I dunno.

I suppose, I’ll humor you. It’s a figure of speech, to say don’t take is as scripture is to say don’t take it seriously or believe in it too strongly. All of the information is subjective with a bit of supporting evidence and doesn’t take into account individual performance or composition. There’a merit to tier lists, but they shouldn’t sway you from playing what you like.

You can replace Scripture with any word that suits you that implies some authority.