no is not normal unless they over gear the content (End of SL) even then they can’t hold aggro mobs will run all over the place. Not to mention they are paper tanks.
Now is the beginning of an expansion no one is gear heck even my bear druid with close to 290 ilvl tanking the first dungeon in DF i COULD die if I tank the whole room so I actually have to slow down a bit use CD.
DPS as tank is terrible and I would have left the group. You are a healer you will instant que anyways. Even if I was a dps I would have left.
then he can tank. Go into tank spec grab a sowrd and shield. Is new expansion everyone is not gear yet. Even tanks have trouble tanking large group of mobs.
You know what I did? I want to try going to the new dungeon on my hunter que was long I hop my bear druid and tank.
more wipes = clogged toilet longer run
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I que as a tank on my druid when I am questing in feral spec. Once teleported to the dungeon the game changes your spec to tank for you. So the Arms warrior might be doing the same only difference is once inside the dungeon he change his spec back to Arms which it allows you to do
They do, and its quite annoying. I love that tanks have more sustain these days but they’ve compensated healers with less to do (in certain tiers of content) with more DPS options in their kits.
If you queue for a role, play the role.
Yeah I made a mistake and got mixed up.
This logic makes sense…if he had raid gear and is able to chop down the lowly normal mobs effortlessly.
Not on bloody day three.
Usually the OP’s of the healers must do DPS posts
your spec gets change when you enter the dungeon but you can manually change to another spec. So the Arm warrior might be in Arms spec, telelprted to dungeon got change to port spec and then he manually change back to Arms spec.
No worries.
I blame the tank shortage on the community. First time tanking the place last night. Did several runs first run dps complain I pull too slwo (I was doing like 2 to 3packs) so I pull more than healers complain I pull too much… MAKE UP YOUR MIND PEOPLE.
Its almost like in over a decade they still have not checked if they are in prot spec and have prot gear…or even lock them to the spec and gear once entering…
I hadn’t done that in years. I even waited for all mobs to get tagged and inside consecration. I didnt leave but def scaled back dps.
I’ve always been surprised that it doesn’t just switch you to whatever spec you queued for like the PvP queue does.
I thought it did at one point
It’s possible, I rarely use LFD so I may have missed that time
Every dungeon iv been in the tank was a tank sounds like u just one of yhem odd encounters
I had a DH try to tank in dps mode during Heroic Ruby and it was not fun. Wipe a few times but his buddies agreed to take it slower even though it would have been faster if he had ported out and fixed his spec.
I just had a laugh the whole time, letting them die while i sat back out of range when he would go rambo.
Guys a moron then prot wars are doing enough dps anyway and prot seems unkillable in dungeons so far (run most of my m0). Dudes just a gigachad.
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