DPS queuing as tank

I had not played WoW in years. I just returned to play Dragonflight. I am playing a preservation evoker. It’s been fun. I’m level 68 now and I have healed about half a dozen Dragonflight dungeons now.

In one dungeon I made a statement that the warrior tank was squishy. Later I noticed they were not wearing a shield. I thought warrior tanks wear a shield. A short time later a dps player stated the warrior is actually an arms warrior.

It was an awful run. We wiped many times. The arms warrior stated “more dps=faster run”. I mentioned that I ran this dungeon 30 minutes ago with a prot warrior and the run was great. We had no wipes.

Is it common for a dps player to queue as a tank? Like I said, I haven’t played in a long time so I don’t know if this acceptable nowadays. The other dungeons I ran where the tank is spec’d as a tank, the runs went fine; except we all get feared in to 3 other groups of mobs. I’m finding it may be best to kill everything along the way and not skip. Having the group getting feared in five different directions makes the run spicey.

Thanks for the help and glad to be back playing a healer.

  • Zander

I don’t blame them. It was a 2hr queue for dps last night

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I do it all the time when I am not in the mood to tank. The dungeons are piss easy. I meant I will q as a dps but I play tank.

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Not at all. That’s really bizzare cuz I haven’t seen that in years.


I really only see DPS Queueing as Tanks when it’s the end of an expansion and they massively outgear the content they’re queueing for (ie: serious endgame patch gear queueing for Heroic Dungeons they could literally solo because a friend is doing them or something).

Anything else and it’s a hilariously bad idea.


Yeah if they’re doing it undergeared it’s going to effectively take a LOT longer due to wipes and stuff. Sorry you gotta deal with that OP, hopefully its a few one-offs and it stops.

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Sometimes, it happens. Healer/tank queuing as dps. If they are overgeared, then they should be fine but for new dungeons where they are undergeared, just kick them. They will learn their lesson.


On my BM Hunter, I tanked routinely the 5-man content from very early in the expansion.

Pet Move To
Mend Pet
Revive Pet
Feign Death

From range, I could position bosses and because there’s no limit on how often I revive my pet and aggro passes to me (40 yards away), I can bring him back up before the baddies get to me.

Add in a specifically tanky pet and it was little problem at all to tank as BM Hunter.

Didn’t work for crap in Raids, though as Blizzard had some specific tank mechanics in those and tanks swaps were dodgy.

SOME DPS have the tools to do it, some don’t.


Hunters cant queue as tanks. Not really referring to what people are doing in premades or while their tank is afk.

I’m aware. I’m just commenting that some class/spec combinations that are supposed to be “DPS” that can successfully tank.

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This happens when dungeons are faceroll commonly occurring towards the end of the expansion

Kick him and get a new tank. By the sound of it you would have finished faster with a new tank.


this is a rite of passage , from the ancient times , people have similar stories from wotlk :sweat_smile:


Parsing your comment it sounds like this was one dungeon run out of several you had done, so why would you think it’s ‘common’?

If the guy is still level 60 and wearing ilvl 300+ gear, he massively over gears the new stuff.

Remember: Scaling.

But then again I thought they changed it to where you got auto-swapped to your selected role’s spec now in dungeon, like it has been in PvP for a while.

As I said I have healed half a dozen dungeons. If every 6th dungeon has a dps playing the role as a tank that is common.

I appreciate everyone’s replies. Seems like this is not common which makes me happy.

I am struggling with curing diseases in one dungeon. Cauterizing Flame cures diseases on one player every 60 seconds. When multiple players have diseases and those diseases do hurt, it’s hard to keep everyone alive when I am waiting 60 seconds to cure another player. The tank and dps run to the next group of mobs while I am trying to heal them so they don’t die from the disease. And usually 1 player dies. I feel terrible but I can only cure a disease once every 60 seconds. If I am missing something please let me know.

Happy adventures, friends.

  • Zander
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I do blame them.

Want faster queues, play a tank.


Imagine if a dps queued as a healer.

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They are not piss easy to heal. They did something to healing. It is 1000x more difficult than it was. I may retire.


If that’s the case, but is it? You ran into one situation, have you run into it again?

You just ended up in one of those groups. It happens.