DPS queuing as tank

I feel your pain. Healing is much more difficult than before. Seems like there’s a lot of group wide debuffs in the dungeons that hurt.

This happens just as often if not more. Usually druids in my experience.


Anyone doing this is just a line cutter. A dps player might not die, but they can’t hold aggro on every pull and the dungeon will end up taking way longer with mobs running all over the place.

They don’t mind inconveniencing the whole group just so they don’t have to wait. Kick them.


And that’s why I asked. I’m not here to argue; I was just asking a question. I appreciate your reply. I hope you have a glorious time is azeroth.

But, haha, I do have one other question. Is server maintenance this frequent? It has happened every day since Monday. Back when I used to play it was only on Tuesday. I want to adjust my expectations if needed.

Thank you,

  • Zander

I do, it is DPS players fault that there are no tanks, no one wants to be berated and yelled at every dungeon.

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No way! Since I mainly play a healer I have not encountered this. That would be yet, another awful run.

I see it quite a lot. On the rare occasion I do go into a dungeon that is.

It’s normally when the DPs are so geared they queue into a normal dungeon and faceroll everything.

I can see that for a dps playing as a tank, as another player had mentioned. But many of us are in crappy gear. That arms warrior playing as a tank was dropping like flies.

I’ve never seen a tank get berated and yelled at every dungeon.

If this is happening to you, the common denominator is … well… you.

I queue as a tank, even though I prefer to play DPS, because it is faster and easier. Normal and heroic dungeons are pretty mindless. Mythic I would be afraid to tank but I’m getting there!

I appreciate the feedback. I considered initiating a kick but since I just started playing the game again I didn’t know if that would be a jerk move, for the healer to kick the tank.

Going forward, when it happens again, I shall initiate a kick.

Thank you,

  • Zander
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I was curious if this was possible or not. I tank my dungeons and pull 2 packs at a time usually if possible and take next to no dmg in questing garbage gear.

Big thing I’ve noticed is it seems like tanks take very little dmg, but the group as a whole takes a ton. Mobs randomly cast or attack people who don’t have Aggro and half their abilities are aoes

I blame them, prot does more dps than arms lul

You can’t even que as an arms warrior. You need to be in the tanking spec. OP’s post is bait

I can’t disagree with you. In the dragonflight dungeons I have run, most of the time the tanks do the most damage.

THe whole server maintenance thing is normal at the start of an xpac. So for next week or 2 expect it most days. Then it will peter off back towards once a week till a major patch. Rinse repeat

It’s true man; he was arms.

I can queue as a healer in a dps spec so I assume the same can be said about some dps specs queuing as a tank.

Not arguing with the guy who constantly shills and berates other players in every thread.

Sounds good; thank you for sharing! Appreciate it.

  • Zander

Right. I’m mixed up.

Still, shouldve just kicked and moved on