DPS dungeon queue timers need to be fixed ASAP - don't know the solution

Classic also has been completely figured out so there are fewer points of conflict around performance and meta. The biggest source of fresh difficulty comes from a purely solo activity. You’re basically acting like the players who choose video poker are saints while those at cash tables are worse due to their respective conduct during the game. I assure you the first time those expansions came around, there was no shortage of toxicity amongst the players.

The for most of classic so far, tank-to-group ratios were closer to the 1-1-3 ratio that exists for dungeons. There are more tank spots relative to other roles to have more simultaneous groups at once.

I just hit 80 after a year off and see another Hunter in my group pretty much every time. 4 piece Tier, 615 to 620 iLvl.

Tanks and heals can be any level of gear too. So I supect its really just random.

I’m not pulling one at a time, so I have no idea where you got that impression.

You’re not bursting 15 million as any class unless you have uncapped AoE (so not that many classes) and you pull probably 20-25 mobs, at least, in M+, and they live long enough for you to be able to hit all of your CD buttons.

Because there’s no way you’re bursting 15m on anything else. Certainly not bosses, not in raids (unless you’re deliberately playing on low difficulty and mass pulling entire rooms full of trash).

The only solution would to be add personal dps checks to dungeons where the group wipes if a dps can’t meet it.

While dps is the role with the highest skill ceiling. It is also the role that can be carried the longest the easiest.

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After 5 minutes in any queue, they should put in bots to fill the missing bodies.

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have you pulled necrotic wake first 5 packs together? its a standard pull on a 13+ Key. My tank struggles to keep aggro there.

“How to be condescending and make sure no one takes you seriously” - by Platinumtwo

A WoW forum memoir

Yes, this.

People aren’t avoiding tank/healer because it isn’t strong enough. They do it because they don’t want the tiniest hair of responsibility. Adding responsibility to dps is the only solution.

If you don’t want responsibility then don’t do mythic raid or +10s.

Yeah this should be a offense that gets action taken like a temp ban.

The problem is it cant really be a 10s issue. Most of the time and I stress the word MOST dps who have timed half a dozen 10s can more or less play at their expected level… this late in the season its more iffy but in general.

The problem is early on dps don’t really hit enough hurdles. They don’t start till you push in heroic raid difficulty for a lack of better term.

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I start feeling healer checks in 8s, where a significant amount of healing is needed in a very small window of time or everyone dies. Before that point they’ll usually survive by hp alone.

Didn’t want to listen to the screams of ‘omg elitists don’t want us to have hero track gear’. But yeah there needs to be preparation for that demand at all difficulty levels.

this is actually a brilliant idea. or instead of auto filling it asks the people in the que if they wants bots instead because its taking a long time to que.

because of the way tanks and heals are treated by the players.

the gameplay issues with tanks or heals don’t arise in queuable content or even low/mid M+

Since it’s a community problem, it’s not one devs can solve.

Imagine the threads of people trying to kick the followers…

…I chuckled just thinking about it

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So, when you pull 25+ mobs with uncapped AoE. Like I said.

So, you’re not doing 15m damage to the same mob that the tank is spanking, so you’re not taking threat from the tank, you’re taking threat from the tank’s Consecrate/Death and Decay/Swipe, etc.

Even so the tank shouldn’t be losing aggro. You’re playing with bad tanks.

People are so used to instant gratification now. I remember having to wait 45+ minutes for a tank back to back in original WoTLK sometimes and that was the most popular expac. And now you people complain when you have to wait more than 10 minutes for a tank on the forums and start to complain about it. On Illidan and A52 realms I never have a problem with this stuff.

And now days I see so many people just give up when in queue and say that they could not find a tank within a couple of minutes. Tank problem is over exaggerated. I never have any problems with it ever. You people find something minor and make it major nonstop on the forums here.

Like legit, every new MMO is going to kill WoW according to you guys. Any nerf ruins your class and makes it unplayable. And then all this back to back nonstop “I’m Unsubbing” post spam that people do to try and freak Blizzard into thinking that it will scare Blizzard into making the game those people want it to. Now back to the tank complaints…again. Proof the majority of you are either new players or didn’t play end game much in the past. It is not a huge deal. It is a problem, but not as big a problem as all of you make it.

People could handle a 45+ minute wait back in the day… people can’t handle a 10+ minute today and say that the system is broken now when queues used to be even longer in the past sometimes. Or how I said I liked the arena matches back in the day hat lasted so long they would go until time out. You people complained about that, demanded that Blizard make arenas not take so long, so they Blizzard started adding in super bursty damage to PvP and now everyone complains about that…all because you people are impatient. I used to have to wait 45 minutes to over an hour for tanks back in the day.

Most of the people talking about tank shortages here…are posting from toons that can tank so…yea.

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You’re painting with a few massive brushes here. The number of players who go to forums or reddit or social media regarding a video game is always going to be a minority of players. Combine that with the natural human tendency to be more likely to complain about bad things rather than praise good, and you’re going to have a disproportionately negative sentiment from a minority of players in the first players.

Also, just because someone has less patience for waiting on things today doesn’t mean they didn’t play during previous expansions. Perhaps they didn’t even attempt group activities then. Perhaps they were in a lively guild where they formed their groups and thus didn’t have to PUG. Perhaps they played a tank themselves then but don’t anymore. Perhaps they simply no longer have the desire or ability to wait that long due to either higher grinding requirements in modern WoW or pressure on their own RL schedule.

People who claim there were no players with careers and families back when WoW first came out are clearly mistaken. However, when considering the demographics of the entire player base, it doesn’t seem too far fetched that there would be a higher percentage of players that went from having fewer responsibilities when WoW first came out to having more today. I suspect there were more people between 15 and 25 who picked up WoW in 2004-2005 than people between 25 and 35. I was 18 when WoW came out; I had far more time to play back when everything just took longer to organize than it does today. I have far more priorities competing for my time here at 38, greatly reducing the time I have for WoW. You can call it impatience if you want, but the reality is time spent waiting to play the game is a larger percentage of my play time today than it was in 2004.

I would love to see a study done about this. The irony is the OP for this thread is a priest…

A druid, a monk, and a paladin start a dungeon group.

“Need tank+healer”

So you believe that the solution to the entire tank/healer shortage problem is to give them DPS levels of damage? That will fix everything?

How about giving DPS tank level defenses and those with off heal abilities: healer strength heals, letting them form 5 dps groups!
I mean that could be a solution too.