Yesterday as a DPS - my Timewalking queue hit 59 minutes.
Today for my DPS characters - I’m getting over 30 minute queues for the love rocket dungeon.
Every love rocket dungeon i’ve been in today has had ZERO healers - just classes with healer spec queueing as healer but playing DPS. Even PVP fixed this problem in-game by forcing you to play the spec you were selected as.
Tanks/Healers getting sub 1 minute queues for both.
Even SWTOR fixed this by allowing all group members to queue as DPS and offer some buffs for the missing roles.
This game has been out for 21 years - thousands upon thousands of players solo queue - mages/warlocks/rogues/hunters shouldn’t keep getting the short end of the stick when it comes to wanting to run a 1 minute dungeon by getting 30 minute + queues !
If I take my queues as healers/tanks (don’t time out/don’t decline) and get into a good rhythm then I find my queues for DPS will also be fast. The second I miss a queue or decline a queue, then my wait time seems to increase if I queue again.
I also found weirdly some specs queues take longer then others (aug evoker, aff lock, hunters in general) - I actually would put my spec into dev evoker before I would queue, then swap to aug once inside, why it felt like it worked I don’t know
I wholeheartedly believe there is something like this going on with matchmaking. I even suspect they consider skill level in some manner. But yeah, likelihood of finishing dungeons, likelihood of kicking or being kicked, accepting or timing out on queues. I strongly suspect these things and more are considered.
Yeah exactly. Stuff hidden in the background which is much more complicated then “first come, first serve”
Look at dungeon queues
-Usually they are 5 different classes
-Usually they try to match you to people of your own realm before other realms…one of the only reasons I know people still play on my dead realm lol
-Usually a group has at least 1 lust, 1 res etc
I think there is some background thing happening
Also Horde DPS queues are so much faster then Alliance DPS queues - clearly due to much higher population so the have more tanks/healers
Kinda scummy. If I see a DPS in trade complain about a long queue and I am on a tank or healer, I just invite them and give them a faster queue. Share the love <3
How are tanks and heals not wanting to queue up with pugs a developer issue? I’ve tanked and healed pugs before in the past, and some runs were good and some were awful. But I found it a lot easier to just be dps, because less stress and less blame.
If the tank isn’t pulling fast enough or is pulling too little then people can get pretty nasty about it.
If the heals isn’t topping everybody off in every second of the dungeon/raid, people can get pretty nasty about it. I stopped healing raids (this is my own personal experience) because I was conserving mana via trinks/pots on my monk and got yelled at constantly for not running out of mana and being outhealed by everybody else.
As a dps, the only thing I get ripped for is “Hey, get out of the fire” okay, and that’s it.
Devs can’t modify the behavior of human beings though, we’re not pixels and code. Our behavior is what drives away tanks and heals, and makes dps queues longer. It doesn’t matter if they add an incentive, as long as the community keeps lashing out and treating the tanks/heals like whipping boys.
I don’t see how coding is going to change player behavior, unless by some weird happenstance, they’re going to hypnotize us through the computer screen and put us into a trance. Devs: “Be nice to your fellow players, you want to be nice and compassionate to your fellow players, look at the text on the screen, you will fall into a trance and when the text stops, you will awaken and be changed!”
Both specs are pretty easy and trivial to play. I know I can barely stand tanking. Your skill check is pop a minor cd then cleave. That is enough to get you to 10s.
Making the roles harder and more challenging to match dps roles could help.
Blizz can’t fix it. You gotta start being nicer to your tanks and healers so they will queue up.
I don’t like queuing as a tank because people are just jerks sometimes. Heals isn’t TOO bad until the group decides to pull the entire dungeon and then grouses about me not being able to heal them.
Its very annoying to tank heroic/tw dungeons, mostly because every run I have a DPS pretending to be 9 yo kids, rushing through every pack, aggroing unnecessary mobs and not kicking them. Its not just beginners that do this, even 2.5k rio players act like that. Best part is that if you end up in a 4-player party, most likely you get vote kicked for whatever reason. So yes, I am out, even LFR is more civilized nowadays.
yes, they can. lol what. if they dont allow certain things to happen in the system they designed, they wont. its literally that simple. idk how you are not able to understand this.
if they remove your ability to press mouse buttons or keys in the game, do you think pressing the mouse buttons or keys will do anything? please use your head.