DPS dungeon queue timers need to be fixed ASAP - don't know the solution

and completing a piece of queued content as tank or healer (warband wide) resets that. that could work!

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It would work until about Saturday of the first week. Then cue the yelling about how everyone is timegated from being able to complete 4 TW for the weekly. Because they have zero alts and wear that as a badge of virtue so rolling a tank/healer is unthinkable.

It would only affect those that:
A) have no classes that can tank/heal among their toons
B) those that refuse to tank/heal even if their main/solo character can do those roles

People need to get over the idea that easy/queued content takes little more then just someone queuing for the role, even if they are in the spec for it, at worse you need the passives that the spec gives (current heroics) but most, if not all, of them will be forgiving enough that even low experience should do well enough to knock them the quests out.

I never said anything of the sort.

Holy ships this is by far the best answer i have seen so far. Hands down good job man.

Meanwhile I brought up that very topic of missing 10mans and it got shot down like a WW2 fighter plane over Europe

I’ve done dozens of timewalking dungeons in the last week, making several lowbie twinks to test of both factions.

Both the tank and healing queues are not instant and there are infrequently any CTA for timewalking up. On druid I queue as tank and healer and still wait 3 minutes a lot of the time. If they were so desperate for tanks I feel like my queues would be near instant and CTA would be up frequently.

If people queue for another one at the end, the queue is not instant even if 5 people queue together. Sometimes queuing with 5 players takes multiple minutes to get a new dungeon to pop. If fewer than 5 queue, but with both tank and healer, the queue still sometimes takes multiple minutes. Some people think it’s because twinks clear the dungeon too quickly, but if someone in the group is on a dungeon cooldown it just doesn’t let you queue at all, so I think the queue system is just buggy and not working correctly.

They need to audit the queue system and look for bugs that may be contributing to long queue times that go beyond role issues.

My dps queue hasn’t been longer than 10 minutes, and is often less, so either hundreds of thousands of people have blocked you, assuming WoW still doesn’t queue you with people you’ve blocked/who’ve blocked you, or you’re bugged.

Exactly right.

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The solution is to bribe tanks and healers. Or punish DPS so bad that they don’t want to play DPS anymore, to get close to 1 tank, 1 heals, 3 DPS population. Those are the levers that blizzard has.

Timewalking queues are bad because most people in them are using them to level. But very few people are leveling healers/tanks, because they’re miserable roles to play. So you have way more DPS getting leveled, but not enough heals/tanks to provide good queue times.

It’s made worse by blizzard not giving goodie bags for timewalking, just 50 more badges. So max level tanks/healers have minimal reason to queue for them at all.

Its very simple. Let Horde and Alliance get random groups. It will help some of the lack of healing/tank issues if we are just one big pool of players rather than Horde groups get X and Alliance groups get Y. And if you don’t like the idea… sorry but I would rather group with Horde than wait for long ques.

This is likely due to blizzard not wanting to stack classes in instances content. They do it with arena and bgs.

And blizzard isn’t known for making robust systems for different gameplay types