Those DPS were probably stuck in a queue that was so long they forgot about it and went afk.
But yeah, DPS queues are generally always gonna be the long ones because DPS is the ‘easiest’ role. Though for what it’s worth, I do occasionally see Call to Arms for DPS, which would suggest that there are periods where DPS are actually the role that’s in demand.
Non-healers queueing as healer is beyond annoying. It doesn’t tend to matter in the Love Rocket event but for others, it really can. Even the headless horsemen if there aren’t any twinks or highly-geared max level players can suck if nobody is actually healing.
Blizzard needs to remove the “vote to kick” CD from single target events like this.
Or these events need to be tuned so any 5 random people can beat it and then the game should take everyone on a first-come first-served basis. I’d be fine with this outcome.
This… isn’t as simple. There are levels and specs where you’re better at your actual role playing offspec. This is really a problem with Blizzard’s whack scaling but we are where we are.
Actually I just advocate that queue dungeons just have the requirement for a tank or healer. Blizzard has long since had the means to scale a group by the classes and roles. Queue content is already toothless enough so may as well take that final jab and throw together the next 5 randoms in line.
Doesn’t help anyone prepare for real endgame content levels but meh it isn’t like there is all that much practical experience in the current environment either.
I have one toon that seems to have much longer que times. Average says 4 min, I’m in que for 25 min +. The rest of my toons no issues. So something idk what wrong with my Mage.
This morning, I queued for a TW.
About a 1/4rd of the way in, I got kicked.
I queued as a tank in DPS spec. I honestly didn’t even know I queued as a tank (probably why nobody was rushing forward). In my head, I was a DPS.
Did I do wrong? Yea, to a point. But here’s the kicker. Did anyone say a peep? Anyone mention about how come I was in DPS or anything like that? How I wasn’t holding aggro?
Nope! Kicked, shown the door, and I’m sure they got to park in the queue.
Anyone could have chimed in and showed me the err of my ways. “Oh, yea, oops. Sorry – let me FIX THAT!”
But no, out the door I went.
That is a player base problem, not a dev problem.
S’alright though, I kind of hate Shattered Halls anyway.
That’s one thing I enjoy about XIV, people will say “hey, tank stance” or something similar. Jumping right to kicking is a byproduct of a system like this.
It’s also a content problem from the things you’re doing being so faceroll easy that nobody has to pay attention to the content, and are instead nosing through what the other players are doing.
Get rid of the faceroll easy dungeons and raids and all of these problems go away.
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Blizz made tanking miserable and healing hell. And the DPS haven’t learned what defensive/self heals are since the nerf, then get toxic towards the healer because they died. You can thank blizz.
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The average wait time is definitely — odd. Just tried three holiday runs. My two tanks waited about a minute or so, but my DPS got quite a mix of wait times.
Initially 7 minutes. When I got to 9, re-queued. Next 2 minute wait time which went to 5 then down to 81 seconds, got the invite which failed due to someone likely idling out. “Head of the line” got me to 9 minutes where I quit and tried a third time. Saw the same changes in wait time, short, long, longer, supershort, got the instance, then back to queue as someone ‘declined’. Eventually got something after 20+ minutes.
And I am pretty darned sure you don’t get to the ‘front of the line’. Definitely used to feel like you did, but it certainly doesn’t feel like that these days.
Certainly I can see this being discouraging. (especially as that toon had all veteran gear and got an adventurer necklace.)
Not complaining per se, but definitely see there is likely room for improvement there.
I wonder if bringing in other realms somehow broke the counter and re-queue somewhere along the years.
It sound like it bugged out tbh if the timer goes longer than 15 minutes i just requeue, why would you just sit there for 50 plus minutes lol that queue obvs messed up
Tomorrow, play a tank, and Thursday play a healer. You might find out the answer.
None of those problems relevant in the context of timewalking.
Content is so easy that all tanks are essentially immortal in there anyways.
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I won’t say that Blizzard is completely innocent, but at this point, any one that says it is not a community issue is blind or does not realize that part of the issue is how they act within the rules Blizzard sets/enforces that might dictate how many are willing to fill the roles.
How do you make people play tank. It needs to be made easier or something
Contrary to popular opinions such as “make tanking/healing easier so more people will do it” I’ve got another suggestion.
First off we need to ascertain one thing: The tank/healer shortage exists only in low keys (10s and below). As you exit the reward range and start to play for rating, it’s not really an issue anymore.
Sure, tanking and healing is demanding, and very unforgiving of mistakes. But that’s what it should be like when doing challening content as m+, for all roles.
We all realize that unless we recruit new WoW players that all want to specifically tank or heal, we’ll remain at tank/healer shortage. Therefore we need to make DPS want to play tanks and healers.
And how do we do that? Well, we make DPS mistakes have dire consequences too, that way you can’t just tag along for the ride as easily as a DPS in lower keys. Think of mechanics like the crystals during the Umbrelskul encounter in Azure Vault (DF s4). If the DPS ain’t up to par to focus down crystals fast enough, you wipe. Implement similar DPS checks at trash pulls and bosses. If you underperform as a DPS you don’t just risk not timing the dungeon, you risk getting your whole party killed (just as tanks and healers who underperform does).
When playing as a DPS in lower keys carries as much responsibility and a need to perform adequately as tanks and healers do, the pool of DPS who plays it because it’s more relaxing and forgiving will even out as they spread and some swap to tanks/healers.
… or it’ll just cause and uproar because “challenging content is too challenging”, who knows?
I still think everyone is off base. The problem is DPS alts clogging up the system.
idk what your dps is like, but my friend on his enhance and another friend on warr take aggro very easily if they dont wait , im doing ~1.2 mill overall on my tnak atm
Yeah, we just play it. The problem is, lots of dps that “just play it” are jerks to tanks and healers for some reason. Then they turn around and complain that there’s no tanks and healers. Use your critical thinking skills to figure out how those two things correlate.
I don’t know what your tanks are like but neither in raid nor in keys do they ever have threat issues with people bursting up to 3mil or more, and sustaining 1.5m or more.
The solution is to play tank or healer, like… hello?
99% of the people who play this game play DPS.