Imagine seeing timers like this as a healer. It’s not that the game is lacking in people playing tank or heals, it’s that the game is lacking player’s over all…
You can also just tune down monster damage and let geared players “tank” or survive most stuff so tanks won’t have to worry about doing their job and just do whatever they want to do mindlessly
People pretending like devs have made it hard to tank or heal queued content.
It’s not.
The tank/healing issues are at m+
I’m a death knight, I know about opening burst.
I have never taken threat from a tank in the last 10 or so years even blowing full CDs instantly. Threat hasn’t been something to actually consider since probably Cataclysm, if even then.
Tanks do not enough dps or healers pulling for them. So this would be a terrible choice.
If even half of the dps who cry about queue times in pve/pvp played a tank or healer once in a while the problem would solve itself.
Blizzard made tanking and healing about as fun as a rope burn and they didn’t see this coming
Sometimes it feels bugged. I’ll get a pop for queue and someone fails to accept, but then it takes sooooooooooo much longer for the next pop if I even wait that long before leaving and retrying. I noticed it during the anniversary.
I can understand the pure DPS classes complaining, but any complaints from classes that can do multiple roles, which is pretty much everyone else, should be met with “you have a tank/healer spec, use it” especially since, the lower the content, the more roles don’t really matter, and at worst for queued content, you just need some of the abilities/passives you get with the specs to do the job.
Some of us find tanking and healing fun, but you know what is not fun?
- being blamed for wipes, when DPS pulled extra that went beyond our skill to handle
- being insulted for people dying whne the one that died did not even pop a defensive/self heal and/or stood in bad
- being treated like we are sub human or slaves because some DPS or, in some cases, healer/tank thinks they are all that when they are the kind that if they acted the same way irl, no jury would convict anyone that did a crime against them.
Blizzard might have had a hand in the lack of tanks/healers, but it is our fellow players that drive the nails into the coffin of us being willing to tank/heal.
maybe the longer you wait in que the less subscription time you have.
I would love to have engaging and challenging TW dungeons so we could all respect each role and at the same time have fun with traditional dungeons. This isn’t something that can be reworked as easily, so we might just make it more forgiving for dps players to not get punished and let tanks just put points on offensive talents and have their own fun i guess - I think this is very bad for newer players but if nobody gives a F anymore, might as well just dumb it down and have DPS players cry about TW being braindead later on
Nailed it. I tried tanking years ago, I felt like i was doing a decent job, nobody died, but I got kicked. Probably because I wasn’t going fast enough.
That isn’t the issue, either.
I was queued as my prot pally the other day, and my queue time was still 20-30m. There is just no real interest in doing any of the LFG content at the moment.
This is why I will always play tank and healer.
I hate the dps que time
If you are in my group and I’m the tank, I’m the boss, you follow me and keep up… period.
Or try and votekick me out. I have 2 accounts and over 30 toons. You are not stopping me or changing how I will pace a dungeon.
All the dps only people need to just learn their place… que up shut up and follow those of who aren’t scared to take on the role of tank/healer.
I don’t know why so many people are trolling honestly. For this specific situation, literally just requeue if it takes more than 10-15 minutes. It’s a fairly common bug I’ve dealt with recently.
WORST is having dps not accept ques like 5 times in a row.
I que up as tank, pops within 30 seconds or less, then 5 times a dps fails to click.
Super annoying AF
They literally can roflmao
The game largely dictates how its players behave
Be the change you want to see in the queues, and play one of your two healer specs?
No, it’s not.
If the community is acting in a way people don’t want it’s because Blizzard rewards it and/or has done nothing to punish it.
In this case, Blizzard just randomly nerfed tanks in TWW prepatch at a time when they were the bottleneck for queues already. Many, myself included, questioned the wisdom of nerfing tanks, which will make them even more scarce. And here we are.
The tank nerf didn’t go through a lot of testing. It just showed up with very little notice. Classic kneejerk overreaction. Classic Blizzard.
In DF, I’d queue TW dungeons as tank. Now? I never do. Why? Because it’s just not fun. Blizzard achieved their goal of healers being more “needed” but guess what? Most PUG healers suck.
In DF TW was in a pretty good state. Now things take longer to kill. Everything just feels like more of a chore. This is made worse by having to do smaller pulls because some randomly overtuned mobs will two-shot you out of nowhere.
In DF I’d level alts in TW. Now? I’ll just wait for prepatch. I actually can’t think of anything that’s better in TWW than it was in DF. Wolrd events, zones, TW, etc. I don’t care about Siren Isle. I don’t care about 11.1. It’s really just a Remix waiting room at this point.
can we find a solution? yes. will the wow community ever work together to make it happen? no.