DPs balance in M+ is so bad - has huge negative impacts

No one implied anything about you since you aren’t doing 20’s

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If you take away the carry then the specs will fall short. This game isn’t anything close to laughably balanced.

Didn’t say anything about you buying carries.

Just jumping to the worst conclusion on your own part.

thats a player problem.

Because they would rather you drop the class/spec and reroll to whatever the FOTM is for time played metrics. They’ve basically admitted to this in several Q&A’s since legion.

They actually don’t want the game to be balanced.

Their style of wild swings and fotm swapping goes back to vanilla and TBC not just Legion.

Literally have a timed 21 streets. Try again.

False. Every single spec in the game is capable of doing 20s given the player is competent. Meta doesn’t matter until the absolute top of key playing field.

It’s implied. You use any opportunity to troll.

I disagree. I suggest that your experiences are based in a reality not comparable to those who have already been shown the door based on their playstyle.

According to only you.

You are free to disagree all you want too. Raider IO disproves you and as usual you try to post on things you don’t have any clue on.

No one has been “shown the door” because of their class or spec.

Sure thing man.

You don’t know that.

It’s your business to jump at shadows, not mine.

People don’t get invited because of lack of experience not because of their class.

Nah you’re just a troll with zero clue on what you’re talking about.

Again. You don’t know that.

Yes and I can make the sky rain gold at my command too.

Right I saw your IO page, you have timed one single dungeon, like I said you aren’t doing 20’s and no one was talking about you


Yes because that changes the accuracy of my statement especially hiding on an alt :joy::clown_face:

Considering rio shows every spec having completed a 20 yes it’s not because the spec isn’t capable.

In which I will reiterate.

Not everyone has carriers at their beck and call.

Imagine being so clueless you think every spec is capable due to boosts.

What an insanely silly take.

Yes ignoring that not everyone has access to cookie cutter groups, carries, isn’t Snozh and doesn’t use raider IO.

Interesting what conclusions you can reach.

But the highest ret pally is 3770.

So it’s irrelevant if no ret pallies in NA are higher than 3400. It’s possible to be 3700 as a ret pally as the NA cut off is 3600.

Once again, all data points to rets being able to reach the cutoff.

It’s one or multiple of the things I have brought up a couple times.
3)community perception.

It’s not balance because it is entirely possible to hit 3600 as a ret pally. Is it harder? Yes. Possible? Also yes.