DPS as Healer

not paying attention…again…lol?
I heal son. I have for a long while. And I tank and I DPS. I do them ALL very well.
Healing is my favorite role. And I can heal AND DPS at the same time…its VERY easy to do and you DONT need any extra row of buttons to smash to do it.
for example…


/cast [@mouseover,nodead,help]Chain Heal;Chain Lightning

/cast [@mouseover,nodead,help] Healing Surge;Lava Burst

/cast [@mouseover,nodead,help]Healing Wave;Lightning Bolt

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Riptide;Flame Shock

Can you show me your credentials to speak on this topic?
I’ll wait.

Healers: Make sure you are also playing Shaman with this guy’s macros. Otherwise you are no use to the group!

Well if you’re healing on something other than a Resto Shaman what are you even doing with your life?

Haha ezmode. You should see my rshaman’s bars. I don’t use mouseovers. OG clicker. But I use alt/shift binds so I have a TON of buttons I can use on demand without needing macros.

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Healers should be Shamans with DPS macros. At least we’ve reduced this down to how simple your average DPS player thinks.

healers…use your brain and make your own macros using those as your guide lmao

Your average DPS player spams one or two AOEs, whines when things don’t go swimmingly with their health, and then has the nerve to ask for DPS from their healers because their little fingees aren’t actively pressing keys every micro second of the raid.

however it works for you, do it, lol.
hes complaining in the OP about having more keys to pound…those macros make it so he dont have to add a single extra key to hit.
Just swap out HIS specs spells with the Shaman’s in the macros.
Easy stuff.

Definitely, but that’s if you apply common sense.
I’d just report his post for trolling and not bother haha.
He doesn’t want to learn. Just baseless whining and repeating the same nonsense over and over.

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Healers, make sure you make up for your lack of DPS performance in your group. They can’t hack it.

and yet Im not the one whining about having to add keys to punch or having to make macros and certainly NEVER been chastised for my healing OR my DPS WHILE healing, lol.
How bout you?

Look I paid for the whole health bar, I’m gonna use the whole health bar.

You just need to keep up.

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I’m sure spamming that AOE key is quite exhausting.

See?! Someone gets it! xD

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Yeah, we’re TRYING to help the guy so he can be better at what he does.
if the group expects their healer to DPS between heals he’s just locking himself out of that group and narrowing his opportunity.

A good group wont need to be baby sat so much and there will be LOTS of healing down time to toss in damage.

you mean these when Im not only keeping your health topped off but also embarrassing you on DPS? lol

/cast [@mouseover,nodead,help]Chain Heal;Chain Lightning

/cast [@mouseover,nodead,help] Healing Surge;Lava Burst

/cast [@mouseover,nodead,help]Healing Wave;Lightning Bolt

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Riptide;Flame Shock

Literally this. And fights early in the xpac when everyone isn’t over geared for it, every % matters. Sometimes a fight comes down to the last %. If a healer is sitting on their hands…
Or higher keys where you need all the damage to make time…

Mans just has zero knowledge in anything challenging and want’s to act like he has a clue :joy:

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That’s four whole keys I have to spam!

and I have to be careful about Arcane Orb otherwise I’m “a liability” and “pulling half the dungeon”.

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Your average DPS player…this is exactly how they think of healers. LOL!

Hey Healers, how many of you are “sitting on your hands”?