DPS as Healer

Check my io. I’m not average. I was top 3 on my server in S4. I pushed a lot of 18’s-22’s. Full cleared all the raids on heroic, then fated. Every aotc since mop.
Step up or step down.
Just pick one and like… show some brain cells. Just some. Okay… I’ll settle for one. Show me a singular active brain cell.

I love how you constantly have to try and flex.

I’m showing my credentials to speak on this topic.
Something you keep failing to do.

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uh…again…I HEAL, son. I KNOW how much healing down time I have to do some damage in.
RARELY is a team so bad that you cant do any DPS…VERY rarely. Nearly never. Maybe twice since I started healing have I seen groups that bad. lol.
if you aint getting ANY dps in any any run, this is a you problem.

Your credentials are SO impressive. I’m in awe of you.

It’s not hard to impress someone with zero braincells.

Mouse over macros eliminate all the target management.

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Well, I am just sitting on my hands keeping the party up.

I target the boss with my front mouse thumb button, then go to town firing him up and mousing over whoever needs healed.
Cant get any easier than that. lol

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and when you get a team thats actually good and there is a lot of down time? then what? watching youtube on a second monitor? lol

I wouldn’t even go that far. You couldn’t make it past sitting on your head :joy:

Definitely an easy way to do it.
I enable raid frames for any group content. Click on them and hit whatever button for heal and just tab to a mob and flame shock or whatever.
Its definitely more involved, but it helps build up that reaction time.

I’m gonna need you to get those hands ready for healing.

I’m leveling my paladin which means tanking, and that means playing “spin the dragon” on bosses that do frontal cone attacks.

Flash backs to BWD when you had to tank 2 dragon bosses.
There was tail swipes AND frontals haha. Now that is a REALLY fun game of “spin the dragon” xD

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and when those of us who heal and love healing tell you the same thing? lol.
Then what?
Those macros I gave you work very well.
Roll shaman if you need to, use those macros for your ‘rotation’ both for healing and for DPS.
Tab target the boss, etc, then when your cursor is off anything, your attacks will hit your target…mouse over your teams bars when they need healed, then move the cursor back off somewhere off everything to fire up the target again.

Once you get used to doing with with the easiest healing spec…Rshaman…then you can modify those macros I gave you to suit your own specs spells and give that a try.

This is being made harder by you guy…it really isnt that complex.