DOUBLE Blacklisted on Deviate Delight! Should I stay subscribed?

This is some of the weirdest, densest foolishness I’ve seen- from all sides.

OP- stop joining guilds just for the loot. There’s a butt for every seat, and if you’re only in it for the loot, you’ll find out just how disposable you really are. In fact, try a science experiment: next guild you’re speculating, tell them up front that you expect full deference, no probation period, and to be on the same plane as long-term members/raiders. See what kind of treatment you get. And stop posting on alts like they are different people. That’s sad and weird.

OP’s guild- seriously, get a grip. OP is a goofball, but read what you wrote objectively. Investigations? Breech of trust? “Progression raiding” in a 15-yr old “solved” game? You guys sound very uptight. WoW is a game, and games are supposed to be fun. You’re being disingenuous, as well, by claiming that you don’t care about members’ alts. If that were true, then you 1) wouldn’t have asked OP about his alt(s), if any; and 2) him lying wouldn’t have been a big deal either way. Again, this is a VIDEO GAME. Stop acting like OP needs a security clearance or something just to play with you. “Breech of trust” is probably one of the silliest things I’ve seen someone post here without a sense of irony. It’s all very creepy and overboard.

Just a big “oof” all around.


Targeted harassment is never okay. However, not being invited to things due to a ruined reputation isn’t really targeted harassment, nor is the word of what you did reaching your current GM’s ears. Classic remains a social game, and there is really no “running away” from your reputation if it gets bad enough.


Nothing wrong with trying to be a competitive raiding guild on your server lol. We refuse members based on their personalities/loot thirsting all the time. We want a raiding environment everyone can enjoy where loot is secondary. If you’re going to create drama over loot, you can go somewhere else.

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Uuuuummmm…my shaman never talked in guild chat, nor discord, nor LFG/Trade chat. The whole goal of my Shaman was to fly under the radar. The only crime my Shaman committed was leaving a guild after the Guild Master said “everyone roll on the item” and I won the roll and then he gave the item to his friend. Which is a VERY REASONABLE reason to leave a guild. After I left the GM got upset about it obviously…and started whispering my Warriors GM to tell him about the Shaman that just left his guild and to kick my warrior as well. Then the GM of my Warriors guild started stalking/interrogating my Shaman that had NOTHING TO DO WITH HIS GUILD AND HE DIDN’T EVEN KNOW IT WAS MY SHAMAN UNTIL THE GM OF THE GUILD I LEFT WHISPERED HIM!

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Where’s your proof?


You should just unsubscribe then.

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You can transfer but if you repeat the same mistakes, whelp.

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Sure, but do you “conduct investigations” or otherwise demand full transparency from guild members about alts? I don’t tell everyone who my alts are (unless were b-net buds) because sometimes you just want the alone time, and not to have to report in, get bugged to swap toons, or put on a different persona for whatever reason. The point is, OP’s former guild sounds like they take this GAME way too seriously. It’s not a job, and it’s certainly not a vehicle of accountability.


That is great and my current guild is like this, but it is ACTUALLY like this. Our two main tanks still don’t have DFT because they want all warriors and rogues to have their fair shot at it. What sometimes happens is the guild will say “loot isn’t all that important to us” but then the officers will grab all of it.

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I agree 100% to what you said here, yeah OP needs to be less “dramatic” and the other clowns need to just dial back their insanity with all their crap policies and stuff on a 15 year old game.

Do you honestly believe what you’re doing here is convincing or even clever? You are not the first loot obsessed player to try this nonsense, nor will you be the last.

here’s the reality: if all you can offer a raid team is drama, lies, and complaining, they won’t keep you around. Thems the breaks.


Niia this has nothing to do with loot obsession…the question is if you told the entire raid to roll on an item do you think that it is ok to give that item to one of your friends that did not win the roll? It’s a very simple yes or no question.

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main tanks who pass on DFT are too good for this world


https://(remove this)ibb(remove this).co/(remove this)8xgCpns

Here, fam.

He has transferred servers before. That’s what makes this so comical. He can’t not draw negative attention towards himself.


Yeah, he needs to be less dramatic and just play but the guilds he is in also need to dial back their nonesense, I think Democles said it right.

It was already clarified that you were asked not to take the bag so raiders could get it, as you were:

  1. A new member
  2. A social invite
  3. Had just received multiple pieces of loot in MC.

this is a perfectly acceptable request to make given the circumstances. Get over yourself, dude.


We’re not apart of their community. What OP leaves out is that he brings his loot drama to his realm’s LFG.

He makes his drama public in hopes of sympathy but his stance in his loot woes isn’t shared by others. He damns himself.

Each guild is responsible for their own loot, they each have their own rules. Making it public is a huge eye roll, especially from someone with a bad reputation of spitting the dummy.

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This is correct. A nuance being missed here is that DD is an RP PVP server.

Accusations of being too uptight or serious or “solved game kek” do not apply.

  1. Says it themself.
  1. This is not the first nor the last of the OP trying dictate how other players should be playing the game. Stick around the forums more, and you’ll see, this isn’t the OP’s first rodeo.
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