DOUBLE Blacklisted on Deviate Delight! Should I stay subscribed?

No one ever “clarified” that I wasn’t allowed to roll on the bag when he said “everyone roll.” In fact the reason they said in discord why I didn’t get the bag had nothing to do with that at all. It was because he claimed I was an alt in the guild…when in reality I wasn’t. The truth is he just wanted to give his friend the bag…but keep defending bad guild masters.


I sincerely can’t wait for part III Kaine, you are the only entertaining part of the forums. Never Change.


Oh, please. Nothing about your post was framed in terms of role-playing. Just own the fact that you guys are way too overbearing for a 15 year old video game.

Or if you are truly trying to play the RP card now, please explain the roleplay behind such terms as “progression guild,” “alts,” etc. Because I know some of my favorite storylines of Warcraft 3 were when Thrall swapped to his alt to join a progression raiding guild. I didn’t do the optional side quest were his alt was subjected to a thorough investigation though.


If this is actually what you were doing, then you did actually like Deviate Delight and wanted to be a part of the server community and get a second chance on the drama? You should have said so up front. The reason a lot of us, or at least me, but I assume others from DD are hostile to your posts is because your posts about DD seem to amount to an implicit condemnation of the realm and the community we’ve built that many of us are very proud of by someone who came to it recently and seemed to immediately start a lot of drama.


This is part III. Maybe next time will be a start of a new trilogy.


Are you kidding me? If I told everyone my Shaman was my Warriors alt I’d get blacklisted just like my warrior in 2 seconds. This is common sense.

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I meant on this forum post, not in game

What are you babbling about now? GM and raid leader are different roles, bud. I’m not a victim.

neither is this dude. :woman_shrugging:

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I was so annoying I got blacklisted on my server

I made a secret alt to reset my reputation

omgosh they found out it was me cause im famous

They still don’t like me and think I’m annoying

Pikachu Face


This is a bananas entitled attitude right here… So if someone gives you $100 you shouldnt be grateful if they didnt REALLY need the money? Wtf is wrong with you?


Isn’t it incredible how you find yourself in guild after guild with supposedly corrupt gms and loot masters?

huh, wonder if there’s a common thread. :thinking:


OP still doesn’t seem to realize that a Nexus Crystal is more valuable to a guild than gear on a recruit who is known for leaving the instant he doesn’t get his way.

OP doesn’t seem to realize that being invited into a group to hoover up trash loot doesn’t mean he is a contributing member of a guild, doesn’t entitle him to an Ony bag.

The OP doesn’t realize that HE is the exact reason why guilds have probationary periods. Without people like him, guilds would be more willing to give newbies more loot. But unfortunately, people like him exist…just wanting the loot and will leave with it the moment they dont get their way.

A Nexus Crystal is more valuable to a guild than you are.



He’s right though, ya know. Feelsbad.


Pretty common actually. If you join a team in almost any league they’re likely to ask if you’re playing on other leagues, because if you are it could generate conflicts and its helpful for them to knowin the interest of respecting everyone else’s time. If you say yes many will choose to work with you… But if you say no, and repeatedly lie about it… THAT comes off as creepy and strange and will likely lead to people not wanting to play with you.

Football, soccer, basketball, any team/group activity… Its not about it being a VIDEO game, it’s about respecting other people and their time. Lieing to people asking a very valid question indicates neither and if you continue that kind of behaviour you’ll find you’re going to have trouble in your interactions with others in whatever form that takes.


I don’t think that you quite understand how blacklisting works. You see on a small server all of the Guild Masters hang out in the same discord and openly discuss who to blacklist. It’s not so much that there are problems caused in every guild…as it is that the Guild Master of the guild my Shaman left tells the Guild Master of my Warriors guild to kick me. In fact in the screenshots above you can even see my Warriors Guild Master saying that other Guild Masters are talking to him about me. This isn’t rocket science.

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Its easier for a narcissist to invent conspiracy theories than for him to think that he might be the problem.


Heres what a rational person would have done (not that a rational person would have found themselves in your situation in the 1st place.)

You could have started a new character, had a less shi77y attitude, and then after demonstrating you’re capable of not being a garbage person, people might have given you a 5th/6th chance. And even once your “cover” was blown, you could have at least been honest with your guild about wanting to start over without your (earned) reputation preceding you.

Instead… you made an a$$ of yourself with your new character as well and lied about it to the few people who might have backed you up. You’re so devoid of basic social skills and common sense I actually feel a little bad for you tbh



You are correct that word travels on a small server, but that is not how it happens XD

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Yea, guild leaders talk. It happens on whitemane too. Act like a douchebag and make a scene in enough guilds, and eventually they’ll all treat you like you’re radioactive. This doesn’t mean there is some grand conspiracy against you.

your behavior got you in this mess. Nobody else’s.