DOUBLE Blacklisted on Deviate Delight! Should I stay subscribed?

God forbid you transfer a Shaman to a server where your warrior is blacklisted and don’t tell your guild (or anyone else) that it is your Shaman. A Shaman that by the way isn’t even in the guild. clutches pearls

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Not even that! We have raiders that negotiate a timeshare with other guilds, and communicate openly with us about alts. Not to mention we can easily take care of any alt he brought with him into our guild. We gave him Onslaught Girdle his first raid ffs.

Remember what I said. Kade and his obvious friend here love to twist the truth.

He wasn’t kicked for having an alt. We don’t care. In fact we encourage it because it often makes raiders better players.

He was kicked for lying to our leadership. Its a real shame.


You denny that is not about mob mentality and end up with this golden phrase immediately threatening my experience.

You people are INSANE.

And then you… continue the exact same behavior that got you blacklisted on your warrior, and manage to blame everyone but yourself when it happens again.

Read the room, bro.

Also, you did tell other people who you were - you literally said your friend spilled the beans in your original post. You’re getting sloppy with all these stories.


no, i wont stop doing that, thank you for the suggestion

Proof im his alt, just do it, im waiting.

I should be so grateful to them for giving me the onslaught girdle that they were about to disenchant because no one needed it.

They claim I wasn’t kicked for having a Shaman alt…I was kicked for not telling them that the Shaman was my alt. A Shaman that is not even in their guild…which is hilarious. It is none of that guild’s business if I have alts outside the guild. All they should care about is if I make it to raids on time.

On top of all this the screenshots posted above shows their own Guild Master saying that other Guild Masters are sending him messages about me. So this Guild Master was being pressured to kick me before he even whispered my alt. The whole reason why he whispered my alt and interrogated him…is because he was planning to kick me anyway.

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I just flat out don’t believe you here fam, there isnt a single raid in existence that doesn’t still have warriors that need onslaught i aint buyin it nope nosiree

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Keeps giving us these threads though so I can’t complain.

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The fact that you all still believe it is IMPOSSIBLE that someone sees the other side of the story is really telling on how sheep you are, stupid mob mentality.

You are completely insane.

Being a part of a community is not mob mentality. It’s about not alienating everyone on your server by being a socially inept loot goblin who tries to drag guilds publicly for sticking to their established loot rules.

I’m a very outspoken person on my server. I have people who dislike me and people who like me. However, I’m known to lead reputable raids that clear all bosses and distributes loot fairly, so I don’t have problems with being blacklisted or harassed.

Let’s just say that you reap what you sow. An entire server isn’t going to blacklist someone without a reason. It takes quite a lot of effort and obstinacy to get to that point, which OP seems to have in spades.


I promise you not a single warrior in the raid that night needed that belt or there is NO WAY IN HELL I would have gotten it. I’m the worst geared warrior in their raid and no one even said they wanted it and I didn’t roll against anyone for it. In fact I heard there was even a debate in officer chat about giving it to me or not.

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Players like this and their apologists are a large part of why being GM of a raiding guild is such a miserable, thankless job most of the time.


What did you do to get blacklisted in the first place?

And no, I’m not going to read the entire thread to find out.

Niia so in your raid if you tell everyone in the guild to roll for an item…you think that it is perfectly fine to give that item to someone that didn’t win the roll?

Don’t be a raid leader, let someone else with the spine do it instead of playig the typical victim card.

Yes…I’m such a “loot goblin” for wanting the item I out rolled everyone in the raid for. Shame on me.

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i was an officer in a guild in like the first few months and i honestly dont know how people even stay sane doing it. kinda just wanna tell people to stop acting like sixth graders but also don’t wanna get everyone to leave but also its my game too i wanna have fun but details details details

i dont envy the position at all

I’m not a GM, but I’m an officer in a guild that rolls 2-3 raids deep and I feel this in my soul.

Most of the time it’s a thankless job that takes far more time and effort than 95% of the members of that guild even realize. We had quite a few people blown away that we meet every week for a few hours to discuss guild happenings, loot prios, recruitment needs and other guild functions.

Yes, loot goblin. Shame on you. I’ve got harsher words to describe you but I’ve caught too many forum bans to risk it. You can try and spin it whatever way you want but ive seen every one of your threads and have a pretty solid hold on the kind of person you are


I would like to know that too.

But like I said even if what he did was really bad, targeted harassement is not ok.