DOUBLE Blacklisted on Deviate Delight! Should I stay subscribed?


Anyway. Jordan B Peterson in his book writes on his experience studying psychology at university. A lecturer remarks to the class that one day, the students will have a patient who has suffered from extensive injustices and failed diagnoses at the hands of uncaring, self-interested clinicians, and that they will feel compelled to assist. The lecturer’s advice? Throw the patient out the door, because you are likely dealing with a chronic sociopath who twists everything in life to depict themselves as the innocent victim.

I can’t help but recall this anecdote when I read your posts, OP.


The fact that guilds are pushing other guilds to not recruit a person or they will “blacklist” them should be a form of harassement, if what you are describing is true I recommend that you gather evidence of this and report the people that is doing this targeted harassement at you.

I don’t know what you did that they are behaving like this but this is too much, they are past the point of innocence and justice to targeted harassement.

If all else fails transfer servers and be more careful, people this days are a bunch of hypocrite snowflakes that get offended for everything and even if you did something really bad like ninjaing something or who knows this behavior of them is just as awful and deserve to be called out for it.

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Nothing wrong with warning another of a player’s negative experiences. Maybe OP can join your guild.

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He should listen to you and blow $50 to escape on his Alliance and Horde char.

Mr Kade, have you ever thought that if you hadn’t tried to stir up drama by posting in LFG and the forums you’d probably would have not been blacklisted? It would have stayed in Purge and nobody would have cared.



and delete your account


That is not a warning, it is an explicit: “If you recruit him we will blacklist you!” it’s a childish controling tantrum and targeted harassement.


Well, if the situation is as bad as he describes he should either contact Blizzard with proof of this targeted harassement or move servers.

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Transfer to Whitemane. It’s a trip.

Great idea -
Then he can probably torture Niia.

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I’ve done a lot of trolling, aggravating, ganking, etc. in my time playing mmos in the past 20 or so years. Just been a straight up butthead sometimes and in the past I’ve said things I REALLY shouldn’t have. But YOU have managed to go far enough to have the whole server tired of you.

Maybe YOU are the problem and should stop pissing off people.

However, I do feel like if this is all true that it has escalated to the level of harrassment. It’s petty, stupid, childish nonsense.


That isn’t how the conversation went at all.


I didn’t see any of that. Mind pointing it out?


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Ah, just the last bit. Wouldn’t surprise me if it was added to dramatise the story.


It’s mighty coincidental that OP has had such similar experiences across multiple severs, multiple guilds, and multiple toons, isn’t it? Almost as though there’s some common denominator…


Since you refuse to avoid guilds that are using Loot Council for distribution, you can unsubscribe or you can quit obsessing over loot. Raid for the kills, and the loot will follow eventually. Or not. But if you’re still able to kill big bosses, it’s all good!

Were did you get that this has happened to him through multiple servers?

Back at it again. Bump.

You can go through his post history to get the full story of being a lone, sensible bastion of reason against servers dedicated to ruining his life. Last time he made a post like this it turns out he joined a guild, was carried through BWL as his first raid, then /gquit and talked trash about the guild because he wasn’t given Ashkandi.