DOUBLE Blacklisted on Deviate Delight! Should I stay subscribed?




p.s the answer is yes you should unsubscribe and yes you should quit.


Well this is an easy one to explain. People like to say I’m the low level alts…but I’m not. I only post on the forums on my Paladin. The reason why there are so many low level alts supporting me is because these people don’t want to get blacklisted on their mains for showing me support.

I read your whole story because I saw that you made not one, but two large posts about a server that’s blacklisted you. To put it frankly, expecting Ashkandi, a trophy weapon, as a first week initiate raider, and then hitting gquit the moment you don’t get that trophy weapon, makes it perfectly reasonable to blacklist from an entire server community. Yes, it’s a 15 year old game, but no matter people are doing, they don’t want to deal with clowns who have no idea what they’re doing.

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Keep posting. These threads are so entertaining!


I notice that you conveniently ignore facts and screenshots when they don’t suit your interests. You never explained why you took the liberty of misquoting your original conversation with the GM to make yourself look better, when the screenshots demonstrate it didn’t go down like that.

What other truths do you take liberties with until proven otherwise? Why should any of us trust a word you say when you have proven on multiple occasions that you spin the narrative of what happened, yet repeatedly ask us to empathise with your side of the story? Perhaps you should read the boy who cried wolf.



Not many people have commented how in OPs original post here they ( kaine ) twists the words of the gm, then also left out all the horrible things they ( Kaine ) were replying with. The screenshot was posted but the “quotes” typed out by kaine in their original post are “doctored” to look better for anyone who didnt see the screenshot posted by the mage. Plus they lied and were a huge d*ck to them in general, what did they expect was gonna happen lol…

Seriously start over somewhere else or give it up and move on. Blacklist or not, no one wants to play with someone like you who lies and plays the victim. It’s your personality no one wants to be associated with.


@op “Should I stay subscribed?”

No, you shouldn’t.


Just like the simulations

You’re trash and no one cares. Bye.


wtf you cant have Lok’amir thats warrior prio for flask set

I don’t even need it now cause I got that C’thun mace. I really deserved it because I made a fried chicken sandwich and ate it while my guild killed C’thun cause I got beamed 5 seconds into the room.

Didn’t even show up on logs, no 0% parse for me!

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wtf C’thun mace is warrior prio i can get 431 healing with C’thun mace and claw of chrom double 55 healing enchanted and two 35 spell damage oils

oops srry

ill just wear warrior gear no one will ever know the difference

I fear you’ve tipped your hand with this.

Even if, somehow, you’re sincere, this is hilarious.

Just get r14 and buy double healing mace you absolute casual

In the last couple of years, thanks to easy fame AKA social media/streaming, A lot of people wonder why the same negative things keep happening to them but, always manage to remove the high probability it has something to do with themselves from the equation.

Cthun mace is an upgrade for the r14s

Yeah but if you get r14 mace instead you’ll still get healed by your guilds healers

Cool blog post, OP.

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Sounds pretty toxic. its why I love wpvp, ganking lowbies and not raiding EVER …it keeps the game fun instead of being a job