DOUBLE Blacklisted on Deviate Delight! Should I stay subscribed?

Transfer to another server and be done with it.

Do some introspection and you may realize you’re the one causing all this.

Stop computer and start brain repair. Pls bro.

Best ERP ever 10/10.

Funniest thing I’ve read all day

Hard necro:

Daddy needs updates.

he’s gone, atleast from the server discord

Deviate Delight is still a good server to play on if you’re horde…
That’s if you want low honor caps (380k for b1) and easy lotus. Chomos are openly accepted too if that’s your thing (gross)

To quote the great Kade-
“Wish I could say I will miss you all…but that would just be a lie.”

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No its social interaction. The same thing happened a legit pedo that was harassing women on our server. He was banned from every discord and blacklisted by every guild til he left the server/game.

That is called community and absolutely is something that the community can and should police. If the OP angered enough of the community on a server repeatedly that they won’t play with him and don’t want to play with the type of people that will play with him. It’s their choice and not at all targeted harassment.

trust me, you dont know the whole story. for example, what is one to do when they are repeatedly antagonized and harassed? he had all means to report people for what he endured. i was shunned from the server early on, so i wouldnt know if any people got punished for it.

and there is a line between upholding your community standards and bulling server transfers.

Deviate Delight dont take kindly to strangers.

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Is this the guy who gquit when he didn’t get ashkandi as a trial ret or something then made a post seeking sympathy from forums?