DOUBLE Blacklisted on Deviate Delight! Should I stay subscribed?

/facepalm lol

Is this a copypasta?


This whole thing made me feel weird. Do people really act like this, hahaha.

An internal investigation? You have got to be joking me, this is serious bizness. :popcorn:

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No, but this is:

‘So you’re going by “deviate delight” now nerd? Haha whats up, it’s KADE from KROMCRUSH. Remember me? Me and the guys used to give you a hard time in BWL. Sorry you were just an easy target lol. I can see not much has changed. Remember Vael the dragon you wiped on? Yeah I loot her now. I make over 2k parses a night and swing an Ashkandi. I guess some things never change huh loser? Nice catching up lol. Pathetic…’


That guy has sex!


Sounds like someones having some fun

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Pretty bold considering this is your second, “I’ve been blacklisted on X server” post within 8 months.

Don’t worry we here on Kromcrush usually just ignore you when you talk so enjoy your stay.

Yep, I’ll gladly link all of the OP’s threads of all the drama they cause, if the OP dares tries to step foot on BB.

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Next stop on the Kade world tour!

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It’s all happening, this thread has it all.

/gquitting when not getting something is, in fact, “creating a scene”.

I think it’s obvious what I was talking about. But ya, i’m fine, thanks for your concern.

From the description of what happens, it seemed like the GM was whispered that his members alt had been involved in loot drama. OP wasn’t just kicked, the GM followed up and asked if OP had an alt in x guild and was lied to. If that lie and the doubling down on that lie OP did isn’t a display of that person’s merits idk what is.

deviate delight is the worst server in the game, my god i cnt evne begin. So many dad bod gamer dad boomers who are trying to be young lmao god its so cringe. It’s supposed to be a casual server but they made it “tryhard” yet still crappy at the same time, like lmao. Sad because RP servers usually are good.


what is going on

This is hot coming from Grobbulus. Tell me whatever happened to mm?

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Crazy that all the level 20 alts seem to agree with Kaine. Totally a coincidence probably and not captain crazy agreeing with himself Im sure. Right!?


the tl;dr version: OP transferred to Deviate Delight horde, joined a guild, didn’t get Ashkandi when it dropped on his very first raid, gquit over it and threw a very public temper tantrum in a global chat channel, then he came here to complain that no guild wants him after that and to attempt to bash our entire realm.

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TLDR not reading another one of your wall-of-text-posts… :face_vomiting:

seriously though if you hate life on Classic so much why are you still here?


What Vorena so deviously left out…is that when I left that guild on Deviate Delight after a loot dispute I didn’t say anything in guild chat nor discord. A few people from that guild made comments in LFG like “Kade wiped us 5 times on Vael”, “Kade wiped us fighting X boss”, “Kade’s rage bar never goes down during fights”, “Kade only uses rend in BWL”, “Kade’s dps on average was below 50”…and they went on and on making me look bad so that other guilds didn’t recruit me. Eventually I retaliated by making the forum post “Blackballed on Deviate Delight”…and that forum post went viral. Triple platinum. To this day you will see the same slanderish things I just mentioned made in comments under that post, all you have to do is read the replies. So after that forum post is when things blew up in LFG for a while. But what happened with that guild in WoW time was quite a long time ago and that was over a loot dispute. The guild wasn’t actually ninjaing gear I won and giving it to someone else or doing internal investigations to find out how many alts I have on a server or contacting the Guild Masters of other guilds I joined directly…it was more just a loot dispute and I’m kind of over that one. Someone in discord told me they hated that guild and said I should share my grievances with them and I didn’t. The difference between what that guild did and what Ribbit does is night and day. Ribbit actually goes out of their way to blacklist me on the entire server by contacting Guild Master’s directly.