DOUBLE Blacklisted on Deviate Delight! Should I stay subscribed?

I agree with Kaine.

You dont read things and just type things.

You should work on that. Your opinion doesnt matter if you cant even hold a conversation with out making things up…proving your not reading anything


I was in a similar situation, regarding the Ony Bag. Before, I joined this guild “Classic”, I was mainly a back-up person that would run with them, still am. The rules were their Guild Members would receive loot priority over me. I was fine with that. We did MC then Ony, one day.

I received nothing from MC which is fine by me. Comes Ony and the bag dropped twice. I was told at some point by one of the officers that the bags “didn’t count” towards loot priority, so I rolled on it. I was the highest roller with a 98 and recieved one of the bags. I hadnt equipped it, yet 'cause I had a sinking feeling, that this would cause some kind of drama, and I was right.

It was expressed that it wasnt fair that I got the bag over guildies. So, I put my pride aside and gave the bag to the next highest roller, in the guild. Without asking for anything in return, the person I traded the bag to gave me a traveler’s backpack. Still worked for me 'cause I was trying to replace a 14 Slot Bag, anyway. In the end, everything worked out, and I still have good relations with the people of this guild. I ended up joining them, obviously :slight_smile:

Sometimes, it’s ok to put our needs aside and actually treat the guild like it’s a guild and help them, too. They’ll end up helping you back without a second thought.


Don’t you mean you ECHO, Kaine?



Stop caring so personally about loot. Instead try to feel good about the guild getting loot. I’ve been waiting for Lok’amir for 7 months now, it dropped and I passed it to our Shadow Priest that just rerolled from his Mage. I’ll get something someday.

Being happy for all 39 other people in the raid getting loot will make raiding that much more enjoyable for you. I guess that’s probably why I’m still not burned out of raiding after spamming Flash of Light for the last 11 months straight; I just really like watching people get good loot.


I’ve read multiple times he was asked to not roll on the Ony bag due to winning multiple t1 items as a trial in MC. I read that he rolled anyways and wasn’t given the bag, so he gquit. I read that, when asked by one of his GMs if he had an alt, he lied and doubled down on that lie before being kicked.

I read that you went to an MC with your guild and were told not to roll on an item, you went with the guild knowing they didn’t want you to roll on an item but you did anyways. You won because LM isn’t paying attention or whatever, and you decide you’re keeping the item.

Sounds pretty straightforward to me. Yall don’t know how to follow loot rules and think you’re entitled to loot just because it drops. Open roll is only open if there’s no stipulations beforehand. I don’t need to argue this with you fools any longer because I know I’m right. Yknow how? I’ve run tons of raids as a raider, and as an LM, and not ONCE have I had anyone call me a ninja, kick me from a raid/guild over loot, or flip out over my loot distribution. That means I’ve got a solid hold on loot rules and how to follow tdon’t.

You clearly dont.

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I’d just start my own guild if I was you. Why not just do that? you seem like you have decent connections right? so people will want to join you… just make your own guild and call it banned in deviate or something stupid to mock their moron take on WoW.

My prot warrior, my first toon I rolled for classic is on DD… I just liked the name at the time. But ya, screw the haters, make your own guild.

None of this goes down to the loot rules of the incident… in my mind this has to do with the marxist, toxic attitude the guilds seem to be taking after it happened. I’m glad I went to faerlina now.


I am your side mr. kaine. Never want to play classic again because happen to me the past. I won the roll and guild leader give it to his friend. I was blacklisted from dark spear-us.

The man have the right to rage. If I was him, I be upset too. Not sure why all these noobs keep talking about how retail is easy. Only raid they ever experience is LFR.

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And there’s the thing. He IS a garbage person and a garbage player. I cant think of a more clearly defined reason there is a /spit emote in the game.

Sir I have no clue whom you are and I’m on Kromcrush.

Wtf are you talking about? Are you having a stroke? Should I call someone?


thank god for personal loot :slight_smile:

Personal loot is a big reason people think like OP now instead of being team players like we generally were in vanilla.


Never happened. And the one person who said that was from Witness Protection and not from Ribbit (the guild in the MC raid)…so he didn’t even know. That guy also said I won 5 Tier 1 items…when I only walked away with 2 Tier pieces that they were about to disenchant. Not once did anyone say I wasn’t allowed to roll on the bag…all the raid leader said is “EVERYONE ROLL” and when he said that he meant EVERYONE. But when I won he didn’t want the new guy to have the bag…so he said I was an alt…and threw the bag to his friend. Also, I called out the guy who said I won 5 Tier 1 pieces and asked people to inspect my character for those 5 Tier 1 pieces right after he posted that lie…and he never responded. The Lies never end.

Yeah it’s a very different approach.

Frankly if OP is convinced there are so many people out there like him, he should have no trouble finding a guild that operates in the manner he feels is most fair.

The idea that blacklists are a thing is hilarious especially on Deviate Delight. It’s basically a low key Dad/casual server with minimal interguild politics.

None of the guilds have much of any substantive leverage over one another.

OP isn’t screwed because of blacklisting…he’s screwed because large swaths of people dont want to deal with his ongoing behavior and the aggrevation it brings.


You havnt read anything.

You used the word beforehand. Ive made it clear it wasnt said to me till after Rag died. You say i dont know how to follow loot rules when there were no rules. Then you say the same thing to kain when He was folloing the rules when it was said that everyone could roll.

You are all over the place here and making things up

Make up your mind. Do you care about loot rules or the raid leader making something up at the end?

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That’s as far as I got…

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Both Kaine’s and your stories are reliant on whether or not we believe you or we believe the other party. In your case the other party is someone unknown or possibly even made up. In Kaine’s case it seems to be nearly the entire server of Deviate Delight.

In both cases the other party seems more reliable and thus believable so I personally side with Kandlejack here that Kaine rolled on something he wasn’t allowed to and you stole an item from a group with determined loot rules.

Kinda sad to think that a completely unknown and possibly non existent coked out raid leader is more trustworthy than you, but from your attitude about something as simple as not being horribly selfish about loot that is where we are.


Facts, screenshots, and witness accounts don’t matter here folks. It’s all about feelings and emotions.

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Screenshots say nothing about whether or not they said you can roll on it in the first place. They only say that you will not get the bag over a raider.

The only witness accounts I have read are about you being kicked over having the alt and lying about it. Not a single mention of a blacklist from anyone other than yourself.

Certainly they state that they were contacted by the GM of another guild, but that means nothing to me as there is no other real information there. If a GM tells me “Hey you know that guy who is known for being a selfish juvenile loot goblin? Well he did it again on an alt in our guild, you should probably kick him before he does the same to your guild” then you can bet you’d get gkicked right away. Maybe they were making some dumb excuse with the alt thing but regardless you hardly have ground to stand on after your antics.

You are delusional if you actually think the screenshots posted make you look like anything other than a socially inept man child.


Believe what exactly?

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