DOUBLE Blacklisted on Deviate Delight! Should I stay subscribed?

I feel like you’re neglecting to mention something.

There really isn’t any value going back and forth over drama in a raid we were not apart of.

The spectacle is entertaining though.

Like what? You have a hunch and Id love to hear it

Thanks, I appreciate that :slight_smile: I hope you ended up finding a fun community too, wherever you ended up!


Well, the reason he is getting bashed is because he has 3 other posts along these lines. In this case, I actually agree that this was pretty shady for both guilds. Others don’t agree with that take and that’s fine. It kinda is what it is though. Notoriety isn’t a good thing in small communities like wow classic.

The only hunch is your story doesn’t seem to make any sense. You told your guild beforehand but you claim there wasn’t any agreement? You weren’t allowed to roll, but the GM have you the item?

I don’t care to know the details of your guild’s old politics, but it feels like you’re presenting a very one sided story. And at any rate, it’s materially different from OP’s situation.

Yes, I said in discord I wanted the T2 Pants. Thats not an agreement thats just me saying what I want. There were 0 objections when I mentioned it. The GM was coked out. So when he was arguing with me he accidentally looted me the item. How do I know he was coked out? Because through out the raid you can hear it how it sounds like he was dealing with a running nose.

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If it happened as you are describing it, then that’s pretty lame and I would agree with you. I’d contend that you’d have been better off cutting your loss and taking the moral high ground, but I can appreciate why you did what you did.

However, it still sounds very different from OP, who indisputably did not have an agreement to roll on the item in question.

They aren’t exactly colluding against him. The most recent guild wanted to know if he was an alt or a main, there was mention they didn’t care for his past.

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Its exactly how I said

%#%$ The moral high ground. People who think that way get taken advantage of.

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It doesn’t have to be collusion for it to be shady. The first guild leader decided not to give him the item he won the roll on because “reasons.” He then predictably quits. The first guild leader clearly took umbrage at the fact that he quit and promptly informed / threatened the second guild leader under the guise of “informing” him of the player’s identity. The second guild leader then approaches him looking to boot him and uses the ever so ridiculous “you lied to me” excuse to do exactly that once he got the confirmation on the identity.
Sorry, all that’s shady. I get that his general lack of common sense where loot is concerned is the baseline cause of all 4 of these threads, but in this case he was booted from the second guild for doing exactly what a ton of us would have done if the first guild had stiffed us of the Ony bag we won.
Ultimately I am looking at this thread through the eyes of “If this idiot hadn’t posted 3 other times, how would I take this discussion” and ultimately I would have sided with him on quitting the first guild and I would have sided with him on it being trash that the second guild kicked him after the first guild screwed him out of a bag he won but wasn’t awarded.
Aaaaaaaaaaaall that said, I get why others aren’t backing him and respect their opinions on it too. Like I said, notoriety is not a good thing in wow and with it comes guild kicks that wouldn’t happen with others. He did bring that notoriety on himself.
Ultimately, I agree with your primary commentary on this thread (and the last one) which is that he has a way of making very entertaining threads.


All depends if you believe the other poster that stated that he was restricted to roll beforehand.

I don’t. :smiley:


Neither of us can comment on what happened, as none of us were there. The only evidence of substance is OP has proven to gquit with loot at the first opportunity that he doesn’t get what he wants.

I don’t trust in blacklists but I would be hesitant of accepting OP from his own stated history and his trend of making his personal drama public.


Agree with this statement. We can disagree on whether he got hosed and that’s fine. Like I said, given his history, I definitely understand people not giving him any benefit of the doubt. 4 posts later, you lose that credibility.
In this case, it was the spiteful way the guild leader went out of his way to get him kicked from a second guild that pretty much sealed it for me. But don’t get me wrong. Dude quit over an Ony bag. 2 freaking slots. LOL!


OP keeps posting as if there’s some blacklist that the guilds get together and agree to. That’s not really how it works at all, there’s no list anywhere. However, it is a small server (according to the server newspaper, there are only 12 horde guilds clearing BWL) and when people behave poorly word gets around and people don’t want to have them in their guild. We have a few people on the alliance side who no guild will touch, our guilds didn’t get together and debate whether or not to blacklist them…guilds just all made individual decisions that they don’t want to associate with those people.


Its not ‘Open rolls’ if they told you that you weren’t eligible for an item beforehand. Thats just you doing the exact same thing OP is doing, focusing on one part without acknowledging the other.

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It’s funny how people like you don’t actually read the post nor thread and just make up a scenario in your head that you think played out…even though neither side involved says that’s what happened. It’s like when Horace said I left the guild because I got bored of healing…but that never happened outside of his own imagination. As I and other people have stated…the reason why I left the guild is because they said I was an alt and gave an item I won to someone else. Even though they knew that was a lie and knew that I didn’t have another character in the guild. When the bag dropped the raid leader literally said “EVERYONE ROLL”…and when I won the roll the raid leader said “SORRY KADE WE AREN’T GOING TO GIVE YOU THE BAG BECAUSE YOU’RE AN ALT”. Which has absolutely NOTHING to do with what you think happened. Then I messaged the GM to let him know that I was not an alt (which they already knew was the case)…and he called me a “d***” for complaining, and said that my only purpose in the guild is to soak up MC trash loot. This is in the screenshots by the way that were posted in this thread.



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Paragraphs my dude.