DOUBLE Blacklisted on Deviate Delight! Should I stay subscribed?

no, u need to switch servers cuz they all hate u

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Open rolls mean open rolls. I won the roll

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Ok let’s go through these one by one.

  1. Vorena already posted part of the conversation between me and the GM on this thread. You can read the screenshots for yourself. You can clearly see it had to do with server politics when he admits to getting messages from another Guild Master about me. Notzombina even confirmed that Ribbit’s GM was contacting their GM about me in this thread. This isn’t even a secret at this point.

  2. No one ever said I quit because I was bored of healing. This is something you just made up because you didn’t read the post.

  3. I have friends in Ribbit that told me the GM openly said he contacted the GM of Witness Protection to get me kicked. This isn’t even a secret at this point…even Witness Protection’s Officers are admitting it in this thread. OF COURSE SERVER POLITICS WERE INVOLVED LOL! The evidence is OVERWHELMING! Not telling them about my Shaman alt was just the excuse they used to kick me. Come on man…scroll up…the dots aren’t hard to connect here. You have Witness Protections own Officers saying “RIBBIT CONTACTED US” in this thread lol. The GM of Ribbit straight up told his own guild members he contacted Witness Protection’s GM to get me kicked. Ribbit’s GM is actually BRAGGING about getting me kicked from Witness Protection. Ribbit’s GM then contacted the GM’s of the other guilds on the server and straight up told them to never invite Kade nor Sid into their guild.

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I would just like to make clear that I play Deviate Delight alliance and I’m not involved in the events that transpired at all. The screenshots I posted were just a repost of what Kade posted in the Deviate Delight discord. He was referencing screenshots that were posted in the discord but he didn’t post them here (presumably because he doesn’t have the forum permissions to do so, I think posting links requires a certain number of posts) so I figured I should repost them since they are being discussed.

Those screenshots notably do not support probably his biggest claim and the one that would be most troublesome if it were true, that the GM of the guild told him they would blacklist any other guild that chose to accept him. There is no mention of that at all in the screenshots. In fact, there’s no mention of blacklists at all, Senate just told him that some officer from some other guild was bugging him about Kade on that isolated occasion.


Wew lad. Facts are skewed, all that matters is your reputation. Regardless who is in the right, a sound player wouldn’t have made this much of a fuss.

All this over a bag. The drama and spectacle of it all is ridiculous in itself.


A black list only has value if players believe in it. If OP stopped drawing attention to himself, he would be forgotten.

  1. Exactly, screenshots are available. And they demonstrate that you embellished your original post to make yourself look better. What does that say about your character, and why we should trust you?
  2. You have again neglected to mention how, in the spirit of a fresh start, you pulled the same nonsense on your shaman that had originally caused you all this drama on your warrior
  3. Developing a bad reputation =/= server politics. Looking at the trail of drama that seems to follow you, are you surprised that nobody wants to touch you with a 10-foot pole? (Again noting that you weren’t “blacklisted” - people just genuinely don’t want to play with you any more because of your personality.)

nah u wont get a guild and need to bail

stop spending cash to get more alts to a server that hates u

My favorite part of the screen shots is him accusing others of being childish juxtaposed with a screen shot of him /gquitting over an Ony bag.

Also, bonus for the whole “me having fun” remark despite the fact that he obviously wasn’t when he didn’t get the Ony bag.



So if you won the roll to something and didnt get it you would just be a mature adult about it an not care? Or are you one of those hypocrite fellas?

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I wouldn’t make a thread about it or whine relentlessly about it in LFG.







I’ve seen you around on the forums over the months. Just wanted to say that you seem like a cool person with traditional values regarding the game and a rational voice among dissent. If I could go back to this time last year I would’ve rolled on Deviate Delight; I ended up following the crowd instead and got a bit lost in doing so. But, you seem like you’ve been a positive addition to your server(s) and the kind of person who adds to whatever game they might play. Cheers.


Like I said. I was A ret Paly and was told I couldnt roll on it. I said at the start of the raid I wanted them.
T2 pants arnt even good healing pants so I wanted them for my spelladin. I wasnt allowed to roll after investing 2 hours into a raid? Pass.

Your not right and Im not wrong.

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Except you didn’t pass. You admit you weren’t allowed to roll and took it for yourself anyway. There is no moral ambiguity here: you broke the contract to which you had consented with the guild.


You misunderstand Jocelyn.

I said at the beginning of the raid I wanted them with 0 objections. Then they drop and Im told I wasnt allowed to roll on them when ever other paly got loot? No. How I have and play my toon is how I have fun and play my toon. Your not going to tell me what items I cant roll on at the end of the raid. There was no contract or agreement to anything. People thought just because I played a meme spec i found fun I didnt deserve it. Thats it.

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If this is actually what happened, then I would agree with you. But considering this is the first time you have mentioned there was a pre-existing arrangement, I have my doubts.

You misunderstand Jocelyn

There was no agreement. It was 30 guild members and 10 pugs.

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