DOUBLE Blacklisted on Deviate Delight! Should I stay subscribed?

These two statements are mutually exclusive.

I believe that you wanted them, and maybe the GM was a tool. But rules are rules. If you didn’t like those rules, you shouldn’t have run with them.

And before you claim you didn’t know the rules beforehand, it’s still your responsibility for not clarifying them. Used car owners may be slick and shady, but you have to take some responsibility and do your own research on the vehicle.

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Well, it would be a little weird if you weren’t on your own side.


When did I ask?

2 different guilds. I left the guild I won the roll on because they gave the item I won legitimately to someone else. Also, I didn’t just leave…I “politely” whispered the GM to talk to him about it and he called me a d*** and said I was only in the guild to soak up trash MC loot on my Shaman. I then quietly left the guild…didn’t say anything in discord nor g chat…just left. And then that same guild master contacted my Warriors Guild Master and told him my Shaman and Warrior are the same person and then pressured him to kick me. I transferred my Shaman to Deviate Delight because my Warrior is blacklisted from the server. So when my Warriors GM started spamming me with questions saying the other GM in Ribbit is telling him that my Shaman is my alt (which is none of his business)…of course I said it wasn’t because I didn’t want my Shaman to get blacklisted too. Notzombina in that guild even said they don’t want people with alts in other guilds because they aren’t focused on their main’s guild progression nor the war effort. Which is comical…but that’s what was said. Basically Ribbit’s GM pressured Witness Protection’s GM to kick me and they were just fishing for an excuse to do so. It was a lose lose situation.

This is exactly what happened and they admit it.

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I don’t find it that comical. It has resulted in this thread though.

Why is the OP getting bashed?

GM instructed to roll for the item, he won the roll. GM didn’t give item to him cause reasons. OP leaves guild and is now blacklisted for it.

The fact that the large community here is bashing him for posting about it tells me y’all are ninjas.

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You should screenshot these whispers as proof
You can say whatever u want at this point and we dont know whats real and whats not

Screenshots from our realm’s official discord were already posted by Vorena the gnome mage onto this thread. On top of that people from that guild replied and confirmed what I’ve already been saying which was pointed out by multiple people including Democles most recently in this thread…when he said the evidence is coming “straight from the horse’s mouth”. So you have screenshots and the guild in question even confirming it happened. I don’t know what else you need.

The worst part is I’m telling the truth…have screenshots…have officers from the guild in question on here admitting it…and I will still be blacklisted from Deviate Delight. This is because facts don’t matter…only emotions.

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Sounds like you’re the ninja here, honestly.

You running a raid with a guild means your accept their loot rules. You didn’t form the guild and recruit the raiding roster. You weren’t organizing a 40 person roster capable of clearing MC in 2 hours. You didn’t lead the raid and there are 39 other people that were ALSO in that raid for 2 hours that deserved the gear just as much as you, if not more, and I bet they played by the rules.

You sound like an entitled goober, and your guild is better off for losing you at the cheap price of a pair of judgement leggings. Ret paladins bring less to a raid than just about any other spec, so honestly you believing you deserved that item more than anyone else in the raid is laughable. You got carried and rolled on an item you were specifically asked not to. If you disagreed with that you should have found a pug. Simple as that.



This guy at this point is just trying to force himself into Leroy legendary status. Too bad his level of trolling is too poor and the notoriety gained is laughable at best.

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" Meanwhile, Kade has transferred his alt Shaman “Sid” to Deviate Delight and joined . On their raid night he was given 5 pieces of T1 from MC, and they proceeded to Onyxia. Kade was asked to abstain from rolling on the Ony Bag but he:

  1. rolled anyway
  2. won the roll (lol rng)
  3. was denied the bag
  4. /gquit "

if you win 5 pieces of loot in a raid and /gquit over an onyxia bag, like lol.

you’re just ridiculous at that point


Again, the fact that you believe the things you said in those screenshots somehow makes you look good really explains a lot.


Im not Kade. Rofl. Deli, we are actually in the same guild lol.

Classic. Maybe there is a Kade in all of our guilds.

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There’s a little bit of Kade in all of us.


When he said I was given 5 pieces of Tier 1…he meant 2 pieces of the tier set…I’m sure that was a typo lol. Look up the Shaman named Sid on Deviate Delight and count how many tier pieces he has.

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No one cares enough to dig deeper. All that is relevant is the drama you repeatedly bring here.


Right…facts don’t matter…only feelings/emotions/drama matter in WoW Classic. Vorena posts screenshots backing up my claims but who cares…because facts don’t matter. Democles and others point out that the Officers from the guild in question are backing up my story 100% but who cares…because facts don’t matter. The GM told everyone to roll and I won the item fair and square and he gave it to someone else…because who cares facts don’t matter. It’s been proven time and time again that I did what I was supposed to in the raid and left the guild without saying anything in discord or guild chat after they screwed me out of loot but who cares…because facts don’t matter. Witness Protections GM kicked my Warrior out of the guild after being pressured by Ribbit’s GM to do so, because I left his guild on my Shaman…and then Witness Protection’s GM said they kicked me because I lied about having a Shaman alt that wasn’t even in their guild and had nothing to do with them but who cares…because facts don’t matter.

You know what matters more than facts in WoW Classic? Emotions/Feelings/Drama. It’s not about what actually happened in the game…it’s all about how you emotionally feel about that person. How do the masses feel about that person? Does he upset you? Does he make you angry when you see him get loot or cause you to tear up and cry when he leaves your guild…that’s what really matters in WoW Classic.

And because “emotions” matter more than “facts” I will always be blacklisted on Deviate Delight…and no amount of screenshots or witness accounts will ever change that.

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You conveniently neglected to address some critical issues in Notzombina’s post, like:

  1. How the entire second half of your post (the conversation between you and the GM) is a blatant lie
  2. The fact that you did not /gquit on your Shaman because you were bored of healing, but because you were pulling the same self-entitled behaviour that got your warrior “blacklisted” in the first place
  3. The fact that you weren’t removed from WP due to server politics, but because you’ve now proven yourself on multiple occasions to be a genuinely untrustworthy and narcissistic person and now nobody wants to play with you

The real question is-why would you transfer to a server your other character is blacklisted on? Why not transfer to a whole new server?

Even if you have friends in that server-you should know the outcome. Once a server “blacklists” someone, it’s not just one character. It’s everything

I would agree with the person who said to try to move on-it’s frustrating for you Bc you can’t play how YOU want to play. But you won’t find the answers YOU want by coming to the community…you just won’t.