Dotty, the charity pet...sort of

That’s probably the limit in what they can claim back as a write off, and they have no interest in supporting charities unless they get something out of it.

I get this, however, if the company really wanted to do good, then they would not take any of the money the pet generates, after all, it is not like there are additional expenses once it hits the $3 mil mark. It is a fake item.

3M will not be reached.

…and this is exactly why the whole thing is fake outrage.


Still sore about blizz asking us to pool money for the tournaments while they somehow didn’t spend money doing the rest of the work to get the resources needed to run it in the first place.

I wouldn’t say that the good deed gets completely negated - more like just diluted.

Wow, it’s amazing how little you understand about how tax credits work… this is income they give away in exchange for an equal amount of tax credit that reduces their overall tax liability by the amount that is equal their tax credits.

It’s literally nothing more than a way to partially crowdsource fund Blizzards tax liability through their customers, i.e. us.

With this amount of ignorance regarding the subject, why are you even commenting??

If that was the case, that would mean they don’t want to lose money. A write off means they don’t have to pay taxes on that $3 mil. If it ended at the $3 mil mark (which I’m not sure it does) and they got more than that, they would be paying taxes on money they donated.

That said, they have never hit the $3 mil mark before, so i don’t see them hitting it now.

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You seem to be mixing up tax write offs and tax credits. A charitable donation is a tax write off, not credit.


Voxplaga, the same usual suspects in here, it’s not that they don’t understand. I think it’s just a now tired attempt to push their narrative. I gave up in here, keep these awesome adages from Murgatroyd he gave me yesterday in mind.

That man is brilliant with his anecdotes and gifs. No matter how much any of us defend a charitable donation, these armchair activists will continue to push their false narrative to feel “woke”.


What if they don’t sell 3 mil worth? They are still giving 3mil away.

Now off the find the plushie!

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No. If they raise $3 million from the sales of the pet and plushies, they donate $3 million. If they only raise $1 million, they only donate $1 million.

They are donating a maximum of $3 million, not a minimum of $3 million.

Of course they don’t, that’s what I said. This isn’t anything to do with charity or they would be giving their own money away - this is purely a way to get a tax write off, and they’ll be damned if it costs an actual cent of Activision’s money.

Other than the money they earn from the sale of the pet and the plushies.

so… you reckon all those plushies were just gifted to them in good faith by the manufacturer?



It’s often confusing when you decide to intentionally only read part of something.

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No, it’ll be paid for out of the sales they get to keep.

How can you say “no”, and then follow up with that?

There won’t be any “sales to keep”, until after the charity period ends.
(unless you genuinely believe they’ll hit 3M?)

Um, for all plushie sales they’re only donating $10 of the $30 purchase price (to cover costs).

As I said, they aren’t giving away anything that costs them a cent. It’s all just for PR and tax write offs.


…but someone had to pay for the design, the fabrics, the manufacturing… and you seem to be implying that all of that goes unpaid for, until after the charity period ends.

oh the horror.
a business doing what businesses do.


Probably the $20/unit they make from selling each plushie.