Dotty, the charity pet...sort of

Then this part…

was largely unnecessary. These are large organizations and they all have administrative overhead. 26% as an total expense:revenue ratio for any organization is pretty damned good…but there you were with this crap…

…and apparently expected not to get fact-checked and called on it.


Wow. I saw Ireela’s post, the Government doesn’t lose anything, but it has not gained an extra 3 million from blizzard.

Holy crap, with this level of education, this thread all makes sense now.


I’m sure you just meant to say “has not gained the tax revenue - if any - on potentially $3 mil in sales from Blizzard” instead of saying they actually lost $3m in taxes.


The government would never gain an extra 3 million from Blizzard. If they didn’t do the charity donation, they would have to include that 3 million in their income for the year and pay taxes on that.

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To be fair, i didn’t know which charities were being donated to, but the vast majority are like what i said before.

correct, bu they didn’t/wouldn’t lose money, as was stated before.

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Yes, Sorry, ESL

Brewpup was 50-50 split. Blizzard profited. Absolute silence.

This time… Up to 3million (that no pet has ever reached) blizzard will donate all of it… People go nuts.

And mr markerboard tries to cash in on the fauxrage


People today are a lot different. We are living in crazy times. There is a mob mentality and they will welcome any chance to fight against corporate America. Most of the time they wind up just embarrassing themselves.


the mob isn’t fighting corporations. they fight for the corporations and the NGOs that benefit from- you know what, i won’t go there.

Back in my day when kids needed something they were told to go mow the lawn, or someone else’s lawn.


Mr Whiteboard made the fauxrage.


Actually i believe they have supported make-a-wish before. I’m reasonably certain they do actually deliberately pick the charities.

Actually it’s neutral. If they didn’t get the tax write off they would actually be losing money. With the write off they neither gain nor lose money.

Welcome to every fundraiser ever to exist.

Yes, that is an issue in some charities. That however, has nothing to do with donating to them.


Lol some people think these charities are ran on thin air lolz

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It means that 100% of the $3 billion they are raising will go to the kids and they will not pocket any of that $3 billion, as that is reserved for the children.

Rest of the money is fair game since it’s excess gains.

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All the posts crying about a 3 mil cap convinced me to purchase the pet today.


It would be hilarious if all this fake outrage ended up boosting the sales way above the 3 million mark…:grin:


That would be great, Make a wish is great.


Dear Blizzard,

Adding the stipulation of giving up to 3$ million is something you haven’t done before with the holiday charity pets. Adding this as an asterisk footnote seems a bit strange for asking us to givie money for a charity event. Could you please give some clarification on why you choose to add that this year.

Respectfully a member of the WoW player community, thank you and Happy Holidays to you and yours.