Dotty, the charity pet...sort of


so each one isn’t made, until an order is placed?

please just stop. :smile:

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If you had ANY idea, you’d realise the the cost of manufacture and landing of these plushies would be a mere fraction of the $20 profit they make per one. I’d be astounded if their actual costs were over 30c per unit.

and that 30c per unit would still needed to come from somewhere, to get the items in stock.

Yes, Here is a link in case people want to know how it works.

Have you ever wondered just exactly what a ‘write-off’ is? Well, a write-off is any legitimate expense that can be deducted from your taxable income on your tax return.


Mass produced plushies that are just sumple lame teddie bears with a round mouth, ears, and then tube arms and legs and a “felt” surface, yeah 30 cents, your getting that value from carnivals.

But for plush’s like this the ones that wow sell cost A LOT MORE, my sister used to make plushies for fun, and a plushie like this would cost her about 40$ (CAD) but then of course she is not buyying in bulk, but she did buy JUST AS MUCH as she needed. So yes, it prob is like 15$ for them to make.

Lol no. The quantities blizzard are making they’d be paying well under that. Wayyyy under.