Dotty, the charity pet...sort of

And this is a fine example of why Government and Civics classes should still be taught in school. You have no clue… just no clue at all about the real world. And if you happened to have sat through the Government and Civics classes, you must have been daydreaming or sleeping.


I can imagine people backing up from him or suddenly having to use the restroom to get him to shut up.


No, they get to keep the taxes they would have paid on the $3 million if they hadn’t donated it.

They aren’t writing off $3M in taxes. They are writing off $3M in pre-tax income. It just means they don;t have to pay income tax on any money they donate.


Wish more people would realize this on these forums. It’s better to walk away than to argue in circles with another person. It doesn’t take long to see that you are never going to agree and it is pointless.


How fortunate, then, that literally nobody is doing it to impress Ireela.


I think this should be a quest for us WoW’ers. Blizzard doesn’t think we can raise 3 million. We should try. I want to see the headlines. " One of these evil online games that turns people into mass murderers just raised 3 million for charity. They must be up to something". :stuck_out_tongue:

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Blizzard is in no way “profiting off charities”… I can’t believe you are not trolling at this point, after people have pointed out how this all works, and you’re still insisting there is some foul play going on.


you hit exactly on the head, and you are right: No one cares

No one Cares.

Not even blizzard, who uses your money to donate to some random charity most likely chosen via a raffle, or other means of randomly choosing charities, to gain a massive write off to literally make money off a “good cause”

Not even the vast majority of the consumers: The vast majority of the people who bought the dotty, didn’t buy it because of it would donate to charity, no, they bought it for the Dotty pet.

The sooner you come to the realization that charity laws and tax were made solely to give selfish people the opportunity to save/make even more money than before, with the only side effect is some charity, usually one that keeps 50-70% of the money anyways from the sole target of the charity.

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Do you really need to quote their entire wall of text just to say that?

It was all relevant to my comment, unfortunately.

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Of course the Charities aren’t being salty over it, they get to keep 1/4 of the donations and give 3/4 of the donations to the actual Children.

I’d be surprised if they even reach the cap. Previous charity pets didn’t even break 2mil. Brew pup was 1mil, Shadow was 1.8mil. Don’t know what Whomper sales hit.

Serious question, did you have a problem with the time cap of the previous pets? If not, why is it any different than the monetary cap? They’re still selling the previous pets and making money off of them.

More than $1 million, less than $3 million.

Look here, blizzard doesn’t pay taxes because of loopholes like charity as a tax write off. You buying their dotty pet is you enabling them to not get taxed. Yes. You are responsible (not solely mind you) of propping up this.

Try not to cut yourself on all that edge.

Make A Wish is in the 70%+ range, 73.8% to be precise:


inb4 CharityNavigator is in on it.

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73, that 3% of 3 million makes a large difference.

Either way, they keeping a quarter. Sure, i was exaggerating, but my point still stands, the charities tend to keep a portion of the proceeds.

((Noted your edit, my apologies))

Of course they do. You think these things run themselves? Yes, many are horrible - which is why it’s on the donor to do due diligance - but your comment was BS.

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There you go again trying to shove that moral highground stuff down my throat. Can’t come up with a response without turning me into a villian.

Blizz makes how much each year? Over a billion and they donate 15M? I’d do that too if I made over a billion. Also, we all pay taxes. Not even sure what your point is with that.

No company is going to quit a beneficial tax program because of people complaining.

I actually already donated to Make a wish more than what Blizz is charging for that pet. Does that make me better than anyone? No, its just how i wanted to donate this time. Does that mean i will never participate in charity event run by Blizz? Nope.

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I never said they run themselves, please refrain from building a strawman.

You are correct, it is up to the donor to make sure to donate to the right charity, there is a lot of greedy charities. I usually default to red cross for any donations i would want to make, to be frank.