Dotty, the charity pet...sort of

in this case is has nothing to do with free speech and everything to do with all the legal spaghetti around taxes, charities, donations, etc. if it bothers you that much, well, don’t buy the pet and donate to those charities directly. they could still use the help, and this way you know they get the money without blizzard acting as a middleman or getting a tax write-off. and you could write it off on your own taxes as well, so ???


Exactly. Thank you for this post. :blue_heart:


Don’t kid yourself, they also get to keep the original $3mil as well, through tax write offs.

The reality is that there is no real generosity here. It’s just a money saving tax play at our expense that they get to spin into something that it isnt, i.e. Blizzard is super generous for doing this.

“But they could keep all the profits and not donate any of it!”

True, but then instead of being able to write off $3mil in taxes, they have to pay additional taxes on that three million, plus they wouldnt be able to claim that $3mil tax donation write off.

Its likely that the 3mil amount is the max amount they can claim as a corp. This plushie is literally allowing them to escape paying their corporate taxes for the year, robbing the american people of tax dollars, amd they get to pretend that they are such great people for doing it.

Its really irritating how blind everyone is to this.

Corporate tax summed up: why pay taxes when you can utilize deceit to get positive karma and publicity by having your customers pay your taxes for you by selling a zero cost to the company plushie instead?

  1. Blizz doesn’t pay taxes. Loophole. Go look at their financial statements.

  2. Two charities are still getting $1.5 million dollars each.

Let me also point you to what was said a few posts above you:

And it’s high time I bowed out of this thread. No amount of logic or fact is going to change the crazy going on in here.

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Considering what happen with the toys that went to the WoW Esports prize pool, this is 100% what it means. They guaranteed a prize pool of 500,000$, money from toy sells brought in 660,000$.

The final prize pool was 660,000$, while buyers were thinking they were just increasing the prize pool, they were largely just footing the bill blizzard guaranteed.

By my donating by buying Dottie, it’s really just for the donation part as I never use any of my pets. None of my characters ever have pets up. To me, they are just in the way. And anyway, what the heck is wrong with people donating while still getting a pet. It’s been done for years.

When I played EQ years ago, they had a cute doll that you could actually carry on your character. The doll was for donating to Haiti relief. It was a good cause and you could get the cute doll. If I remember correctly, the dolls could be placed in the player housing.

If Blizzard creates a cute pet that people want enough to buy with up to $3million in donations going to charity, honestly, what’s your problem? I guess you think that the veterans selling poppies is scummy too, right? Or fund raisers? Because people have to buy something to raise those funds. I think some people’s minds are just a bit twisted these days.


“Hey guys, instead of making large corporations actually pay their taxes to fund things such as medicare, welfare, maintenance and construction of public infrastructure, let’s instead hope that they out of the goodness of their hearts (like corporations totally do) donate money to charities instead of paying into a system that helps people by default. I’m sure they’ll definitely donate all of the money to the charity and not cap it at 3 million dollars.” - nobody.


Blizzard is keeping all the money earned beyond the cap. Thats the part I dont agree with. A charity event should be a charity event, period.

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Ok, you are so dense in basic comprehension of tax laws, not mincing words anymore, I am fed up with your false narrative as a whole. You keep taking the donation out of context. You seem to be so fixated on the tax write off you can’t even be bothered to fathom how many people this money will help. Write offs exist to help people in need, that money will not go to the government instead by default, companies and individuals can dictate where they can help rather than expect the governments to do the right thing in their books.

Your sense of you give to give is not only stupid, it is damaging to charities that become reliant on these kind of donations. The only logical reasoning I can guess here is that you have never personally hit one of these tax brackets like myself and plenty of others here have to see what this generosity can do. I urge you to contact both charities and see that they 100% do not share your sentiment. I also am left to wonder, do you dig your heels in and drag the millions of other companies and personal tax payers that do these donations as well, or are you just so focused on evil Blizzard as a whole? My guess is no, you pay to come here and add fuel to a hate train


So what you are saying is the government is the real charity giver right. The only one actually losing anything is the government. You and blizz are basically just money movers.

You should probably try to stress yourself less over those that choose to be willfully blind. As my grandmother would say, getting angry at someone’s pig-headedness is only punishing yourself for their ignorance.

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You aren’t wrong, it’s just frustrating as all heck to deal with people who have absolutely no concept of how the financial world works. It’s truly depressing to see people who push false narratives getting a platform and trying to turn something good into a faux controversy. I keep encouraging them to contact the charities who will be receiving the donations to hear how they feel about these campaigns, fact is none will, they’d much rather be outraged over nothing. It’s armchair activism at it’s finest.


For me personally, I’m not against Blizz doing these charity events. I’m not against any person or company who does it as well. It’s ultimately a good thing. However, im not going to be impressed with any person, business or corporation who partakes in the charity/tax program. I’m not going to consider it charity unless you are giving with the expectation of not getting anything in return with the exception of some feel good feels. I would rather donate directly than partake in some charity event. Blizz already donates every year and I spend money supporting Blizz through other means.

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Blizz should donate the charity to Hong Kong but we all know why that can never happen. Winnie the Pooh will not be pleased

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Cool, a feel statement. You do realize that most of these companies still pay taxes right? That all this does is lessen the load. You are not better than Blizzard, in fact just between the OW event and this pet alone they have potentially donated 15.7 million, what exactly have you donated? Nowhere near that I am sure.

People with your mindset have the potential to actually cause more damage than good. When companies get fed up with the faux outrage and stop giving, no one is hurting more than the charities. But you go on feeling your self imposed sense of moral superiority, I am sure the people benefiting from these charities really appreciate your behavior.

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So here’s the thing:

Never mud wrestle with a pig; you can’t win, all you’ll get is covered in mud…and the pig likes it.

See also:

Never argue with an idiot; they’ll try and drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.



I could use a good gif my friend. Thanks for the kind words.


So you don’t think that their offering up to $3 million is a good thing for those charities? After that goal, the rest goes to the game, plus Dottie will still be available after the first of 2020. It’s stated plainly on the website for everyone to see that the charity donation is up to $3million. You can agree or disagree, but that’s the way it is going to work. They could just have put Dottie up for sale and pocketed the entire amount. They are not taking a penny out of the first $3 million in purchases for overhead like many companies that sell items for charity. If it goes over $3million before December 31, then basically the charity drive will be over, but Dottie will still be available for anyone to purchase.

I would seriously love to see the proceeds max out so those charities will get some much needed funding. Seems that some on GD want to see it fail so they can punish Blizzard for trying to help out some wonderful charitable organizations.

Sorry, but it is a charity event, period. I love that Blizzard is doing this, and I made my purchase to help reach that goal. Honestly, if you don’t approve of the fine print, move on. You are not required to participate.


That tax write-off essentially means they don’t have to pay income tax on the money they donate. They aren’t saving ‘tons of money’ or ‘millions of dollars on their taxes’

I don’t expect you’ll ever have to worry about knowing how much income tax is collected on $3 million.