Doorway in the Dark final chapter BROKEN, unable to progress

Still bugged - a bit sad that the game still has this many bugs after release…

Bugged for me as well.

A big disappointment… lost time and no compensation for this…

if anyone needs a guild drop your discord and reply 9/10 heroic many phase 3 pulls on sylvanas planning to do mythic this week

Same issue here.

PS this is the community responding on the forums

How fitting. my very last day of subscription time and the main story is an uttery broken mess.

Bye wow, see you next expac… maybe.


Can confrim still broken as of 12:54pm est.

This is helpful, thank you. :hugs:

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Bumping this tread. Broken on Ghostlands.

The QA team must still be drunk. Fire them.

If you fired everyone at blizzard who got drunk at work, there may not be anyone left to make the game. :joy:

Just happened to me as well

In the Dark

  • Billy Squire

Servers up for 2 hours. Bug reported who knows how many times. Blizz still hasn’t pushed through a hotfix for it, or from what I can see, has even acknowledged it. Nothing says, “we literally don’t care” more than this.

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Can confirm this issue is also happening as well

@blizzard puede manifestarse o esta haciendo vista gorda

JEEZ BLIZZ! Can’t stop embarrassing yourself, can you!?

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Same, plz fix.

Can also confirm on Shu Halo that quest is also broken. Cant hand it in - tried it multiple times with watching the cinematic and skipping it. Quest shows as completed but there is no hand in.

Same, both dissappeared and now unable to progress. This is the 3rd campaign chapter that has had a show stopping bug. Seriously who QA’s this stuff?