Doorway in the Dark final chapter BROKEN, unable to progress

Bugs here and there are to be expected, however, this expansion has been nothing but a gross roadblock for players in all stages of the game.

I get this being the epilogue and not being on the PTR to have the big ‘ah-ha’ moment we’re all familiar with experiencing with where the storyline will go… But it’s increasingly apparent Blizzard didn’t do any QA and testing internally for this before releasing it. It’s not like they didn’t have nine months since launch of SL to get this in and tested.

I guess Blizzards new motto should be, “You can’t polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter.”

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Feel like they are messing up on purpose 9.1 has been bugged every week mostly with cut scenes and ardenweald heart of the forest is still missing.

Are you guys new? Do you have huge expectations? Blizzard is an indie company. Very small. Probably only a handful of employees. They aren’t big enough yet to have things like a QA team, or production servers to test things on before pushing them to live servers.

Have some compassion. It’s very hard to be a brand new company in 2021. Maybe in 17 or 18 years, they’ll be big enough, and have enough experience to have a QA team that test things before publishing development.

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The campaigns throughout the entire expansion have been a buggy mess. Supremely disappointing performance from this dev team.


Yep. Here to confirm the same thing.

And I’m gonna say it: every week a quest being bugged and preventing people from progressing is becoming really tiresome. I’m all for being understanding, sometimes bugs happen, etc. But this is quite literally the third week during this campaign where something is preventing people from just playing the game.


An epilogue is actually an afterthought, after the main action concludes. This is literally the final chapter of this current story, which makes it all the more remarkable that there’s such a bug preventing people from the last chapter.

“Announcing today, for a limited time only: Continue the campaign token in the store, only $69.99! Supplies are limited!”


bugged, cant see thrall to turn in the quest
blizz stop harassing employees so they can actually test the game

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:shushing_face: do you want to give them any stupid ideas ?

They do that fine on their own

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Same issue, just like every week. another broken quest who would have thought. Come on man thats why people are leaving and playing FFXIV over this dumpster fire.



Seriously though, I bet they’re all sitting there watching and laughing.

“Why won’t these people quit?”
“Remove the turn-in for the last campaign.”
laughter ensues


Is this the official wow or a private server?

Congrats on failing again, blizzard.

same issue here aswell

Everyone on my server have the same problem.

Thrall and Jaina went to FF didn’t they? Thrall rolled a cat boy.

Adding my experience to this bug report. I have the same issue as others have described.

Think I will be cancelling my subscription and watch the rest on YouTube since that’s what I have had to do since 9.1 began what a sh#t show


Tried everything including War Mode on/off, phasing, logging on/off, clearing cache and deleting WTF folder. No luck. Hard bugged.

8 months and it is the second quest of Chains of Domination that bug and players are unable to complete. The 1st one was the Tyrande quest.

Broken for myself and all my guild as well. No NPCs to turn in quest but map marker shows it there.