Doomwalker Mount - Maybe a 1% drop rate

Seriously needs to be 100%. I have 9 characters over 30 to try for this mount. I know people with more. Imagine running it every day on every character and still not getting it. What about the people with only one character?

A “fun” Anniversary event shouldn’t be up to luck even if that number is closer to 25%.

I never heard of him till i saw this topic 30 min ago, so I went there and fought him and he had a HARD mechanic. Every now and then he tossed me to the side a few feet and stunned me. Now I know never to mess with him again. no mount drop :frowning:

Ok, Varuca Salt.

do this for all raid bosses

I am glad its 1%. First I did not care as the mount is boring. With knowing it is 1% I even care double less so gotta ignore it :slight_smile:

Ran Doomwalker about 20 times last night with different alts. Super fast. Died once.

He dropped the mount and the new axe on alt #12, along with 7 other gear drops on other alts, most of which I couldn’t use.

So it’s already better than running the f-ing Headless Horseman for a decade for me.

Is it the dragon-hawk variant? If so I am not too broken up over the low drop-rate.

Yeah the grayish dragonhawk. It’s nothing spectacular lol

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This isn’t how anniversary events should work, on any level.


He’s pretty brutal on melee that’s for sure, and they’re the ones hoping for the weapon drop. There’s usually one or two good Samaritans around to rez folks after though.

I mean it’s a pretty dumb system. If something requires that much farming I should have the opportunity to do it year round. Making low drop rate rewards only available to farm for a short period of time once a year seems silly.

Some mounts require skill, some require time, others are simply rare. I have no issue with there being a mix.

Let’s be real, anyone who gets this mount will use it for about a week and then it will be back to the stables never to be seen again.

Sure. I just don’t like the trend of making things rare just for the sake of being rare. That’s just me.

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I used it take a screenshot and forgot about it.

I’m sure a lot of people just want that extra number in their mount count, and honestly don’t care how it looks.

It’s pretty funny. I log in specifically for FFXIV’s events, because I know I’ll get something for the effort. I really don’t bother with any of WoW’s.


Thats part of the problem maybe? There are so many mounts and so many pets, etc that none of them have the value they once had to their owners. As the game ages, everything is getting dilluted.

A lot of collectors only want the # increase that’s true, someday maybe we’ll get goals for that because last achievemnt was for 400 mounts added on 2018, i’ve requested one for 500 for years, however when it got introduced i’ll already have the requirement, if only they stop with recolors and include a clear goal with an unique model to promote mount collecting.

So collectors could show off that unique model, instead we got recolors for 350-400 goals.

Did they increase the drop rate? Just killed it and I think everyone got it o.o

i don’t know, we never got the drop rates from Blizzard, the 1% thing was basesd on Asia’s region inputs, i got it after 71 attempts which its awful for new players or people with 1-2 characters, since they could try the whole event and don´t get it.

If true it’s a good thing they did it now and not, you know, on server reset. If it ends up being a weekly lockout I’m looking real forward to having to wait that long lol.