Doomwalker Mount - Maybe a 1% drop rate

And this show that playerbase dont expect something new each year with a good gameplay, imagine this new world boss as a scenario after a brief questline with a challenge fight , and next year something new and each iteraction gives you the reward 100%.

Instead we got toys added to each seasonal event, next xmas will be the same, if they improve the game for each seasonal event like Overwatch does or other games, a lot of people will resub each seasonal date.

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Was I asking you, seems I wasn’t :roll_eyes:

I hope I’m still farming this mount during WoW’s 42nd anniversary! Happy WoW month.

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No it doesn’t.

Yes, you were. I can tell because I was able to read it.

Seek help.

Yes, I did offer you some.

Use it yourself.

If this boss was a one time event then I’d agree with you but if it’s yearly you get 21 chances per toon a year. Which isn’t bad for a 1% drop rate.

A 1% drop rate with a daily lockout for a mount that will come up annually is way better than a lot of the ultra-rare drop rates in the game.

I got the mount on my 3rd alt tonight.

Good luck to every one else.

Except this is a time limited event, we already have enough of that garbage with the cosby room rocket

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You say that now like 1% is easy cake, but it’s not, just ask anyone who has been farming any 1% mount chance, even some reported 2-3% mount chances and they will tell you it’s bad in every way possible.

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One of my level 60s got one shot. Something like 140,000 damage. Not even my tank specs have that high of health. And what could I have done to prevent it? Spread out? As melee? I don’t even know if that would have helped, either, as the ability doesn’t even state any safe range.

Thankfully, I got the mount after around 7 kills. I doubt it is a 1% drop rate. Probably closer to 5%, I’d guess.

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As I said in another thread, I got one shot on my 60 tank for 171k. So it’s everyone and its not really telegraphed when it comes out.

Maybe I got lucky but I got the mount by the time I took my 16th alt out there. Toy on 2nd. Got some of the other mogs. I’ll be going back for the rest casually. At the rate I see the mount around, it doesn’t seem like 1%…

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The rate is terrible. Have the gear be 1 percent the mount 100.

No thanks. Enough with the “personal challenge” crap already.

The trouble with this, too, is that it takes such a dull, long, monotonous grind to get it, when you finally do you don’t feel happy - just relieved that the pain is over.

The blue proto-drake I finally got from Skadi (during Cata, when soloing that instance wasn’t trivial for a non raid geared paladin) took something like 240 attempts to get. By the time I finally got it, I resented the damn thing so much that I’ve never, ever used it, because it reminds me of an element of the game that was simply not fun.

Hence the only way to mitigate the damage for melee is to tag and run. GREAT boss design there guys.


I finally got Raven Lord today and yeh, it’s such a relief that the last mounts I need from Outland are the Halaa PVP ones, and eventually my WoD mission tables will give me tokens for those.

And once I get my second ZG and Urtgade mounts I’ll be so much more relieved that I don’t have to ever again run to those dungeons. It’s not like they are hard, it’s just annoying to have to get to them, again, and again.

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it’s an event… with a mount they give you for practically no effort IF YOU’RE LUCKY.

Randomnly given uniqueness is the most unrewarding kind, and then there’s people defending these lame and toxic ways Blizzard seems to not learn from.

(also if you still don’t realize, more ramdomness = more playtime, so you’re basically paying for artificial gameplay, eq getting scammed)

Happy 17th WoW anniversary.

But an anniversary mount should :slight_smile: