Doomwalker Mount - Maybe a 1% drop rate

Still to be confirmed is if it’s a daily or weekly lockout, but stipulation so far that is it 1% is garbage. Confirmed is that the boss will be added to the world boss rotation during each anniversary so if you don’t get it this year you can come back in another year and try again.

But if that is the case, than that means those who did not get it this year means that those who did not even participate this year can also come back later and get it. So why not than make every anniversary rewards possible during each anniversary for those who were not around when those events where up?

Or how about just allow us to just get the mount if we participate like every other event and those who were not here just miss out? Make it fair like every year.

P.S. The event has already started on EU, mount is not guaranteed.


If you didnt get it this year you can farm it next year. World boss will be up again next anniversary event.

Not every mount should have a high drop rate. Rare stuff is what helps distinguish your character and make it unique.


Yes I know, I said that.

That moment when being an altoholic pays off


Oh yeh I got those, plenty of them, but if it really is 1% than as you know, it makes no difference, you either get it in 3 kills or not at all.

The point is that it’s not about the mount, it’s about the celebration. Every other years has been about showing up and doing something to celebrate the game and get rewarded with something shiny for it, and if you were not here than you get nothing and cannot get it again, ever.

But this year it’s different, why? Why add something rare and than make it possible to just farm it year on year? It puts a dampener on the event, you can show up every day with as many alts as you want, if the drop rate on the 3 items of value are low enough than you could very well spend 2 weeks and walk away feeling cheated and not actually, you know what is that you do when you celebrate, oh yeh, have fun.


That’s true. I’m not too crazy about this mount though, I might give it a few tries however.

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So what is your point then?. The mount will not be 100% droprate.

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Kinda funny how the mount isn’t even something new or spectacular. Just a recolor of an old model they probably never used.

Happy 17th Anniversary! Here’s a 1% drop rate mount that we put zero effort into. Oh you want the good stuff? Gotta pay $$$ in the store for that.


Its not even all that great a mount really. I thought it was Sylvanas’ one for a moment. If I dont get it, I dont get it. Plenty of other mounts Im still trying to get (Rukhmar you mongrel, give me the damned Solar Spirehawk already!)…


Good. Who even wants that?

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But it is good they bring back unused old models or variants datamined long ago but never used for players. I love to see those old models back to the game.


Wondering why you feel the need to comment something that has already been said.

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Thats fine, Im not worried about it either way. Just seems to be a bit of over-the-top aggro for yet another mount. I mean, how many is enough? I have hundreds of em, most of which I never use. Now, if the prize was a house in Grizzly Hills I’d be lining up all the alts…


I have close to 1500 tries on that mount, gave up for the time being, spending so much time on alts farming one mount that I found it better to take a break and get some other mounts, and it’s worked so far, got maybe 30 mounts in the last few weeks since putting my time into other stuff.

Still not explaining your point. The mount will not be 100% drop. If you didnt get it wait for next event. No. The mount will not be 100% drop rate and why it should be?.-

Even if I explain my point, again, it still won’t matter. You are one of those forum trolls who either can’t read or only reads the title and than makes a comment to up your comment count and make your stats look like you care.

If you bothered to actually read the stuff I am posting you will see what my point is.

Your point is that you have to spend many tries farming it so Blizz should increase the droprate. And you are wrong. Its your choice farming or not the mount.

Sure my account is unique because i wasted a lot of time and farmed Sha of anger for 8000+ attempts for a recolor… we don’t need to promote the “rare” mounts from 1% or less drop, lets be real, those mounts are rare just because devs designed an awful system or drop and you must use an army of alts to obtain them, instead the TRUE rare mounts are Gladiators, Challenge Mode mounts from MoP/WoD.

if the game could be always relevant, imagine the Lich King being a challenged with Invincible 100% drop rate, that´s why i wont say that last expansion boss mounts are rare, because you just farm those in another expansion.

This new anniversary mount should be 100% drop rate from a boss fight like a scenario, mage tower style, something difficult and evergreen, so only people with enough skill could get it and if you miss it, you can try next year but 100% drop, this will be just a new lag fest on tanaris and only people with alt armies will get it.

Doesn´t motivate new players or some players in general to engage on the event…learn from overwatch and other games with their anniversaries and rewards.


This is so dumb and should never be something that happens in a video game. Blizzard really should introduce a token currency or another system that allows us to earn progress toward obtaining incredibly rare mounts.

Something like 1 token per kill and the mount cost 100 tokens at some vendor. Still would require 100 weeks of farming but at least you know your effort is going towards something.