Doomwalker Mount - Maybe a 1% drop rate

Did it 8 times yesterday and I got a few gear and a toy.
Did it today after reset and on my second attempt got the mount. So yeah it probably isn’t a 1% drop.

Yes, it is 100% drop rate now. The hotfix is just in!

I think it’s a test actually. Showing that something they put zero effort into but a 1% drop rate, has the same value as something they put a TON of effort into but 100% drop rate.

Why should they pay devs to spend hours making something unique, when they can create the same customer value by just giving it a rare 1% drop rate.

This is a social experiment and we’re failing.

If they had created a model that was in any way unique people would lose their minds over this. They’re hoping the backlash will be small enough they can let this stand as is. Once the precedents has been set, they can add better quality mounts in future anniversaries with a 1% drop rate. This will allow for the anniversary content to build up and be extended over years.

Edit: removes tin foil hat drop rate fixed to 100% looks like. Oh my

You’re not wrong. People are definitely logging on and farming it just because it’s rare and not because it’s actually a great mount. Pretty insane but at this point Blizz knows exactly how to keep players coming back for more. God damn money print machine over there.

You all can quit crying now …Blizzard just hotfixed Doomwalker drop rate and its now 100% for the mount and toy…

Trivializing items is not good. People who got the mount before the hotfix stopped using it right now.

At least the transmog pieces were not affected by it.

I used it for 5 mins…the way it moves makes me somewhat sick feeling in my stomach…way too many mounts do that too in this game.


Sure, lets just continue the same toxic reward system that was promoted by Devs from years ago, if only this boss was a challenge to show off that mount, just like sha of anger mount is the same model but different color that others from reputations.

Or the halloween mount that was easy to farm on previous expansions when you didn’t have it as a queue instance, love rocket another mount that has an awful drop for a fight that doesn’t require tank, healer…

Just think that those rewards need updates, people farm those for years, how a new player will try to get the mounts if collectors farmed it with 40+ alts and didn’t get it.

The rare mounts should come from a challenging content , so you can show off, like gladiator, KSM, Challenge mode, the new mage tower mount.

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goodjob WOW form u get more MONT for me ! goodjob

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Just ask anyone huh? Ok I’ll let you check out my simple armory then get back to me on what i know about farming mounts.

A man of culture, Good collection just like mine, but i don’t like your point of view because this kind of mounts and rewars should be also easy for new players and players with 1-2 characters instead of the alt army meta. We need a better gameplay on which those rewards come from challenging content instead of low drops and bad luck mechanics, this mount could have been like headless horseman, i did 71 attempts before i got it with the hotfix, so for a new player maybe that mount won’t appear for years with 1 character.

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Good change, imo.

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Speak for yourself. I’ll be using it a lot for my demon hunter (for obvious reasons).

When I got Invincible I decided to only use it for my dk or my warrior when using certain mogs (for obvious reasons again). All of my mounts I use when I feel they fit a theme for my characters, classes, specs, races and mogs.

No mount goes unused :kissing_smiling_eyes:

I do not speak for all players clearly but i do speak for myself and that is my view.

It’s 100% now.

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got it today on 9th total attempt.

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OK great you have a lot of mounts, but you never said how you feel about mounts being garbage level drop rates. Did you actually, truly, and not just for the sake of this argument, did you ever enjoy farming those low drop rates and spending excessive time trying to get them? And when you got them did you feel happy about it, or was it more just a relief that you have finally got the mounts?

So far not even one person who farms mounts has ever said they are truly happy having mounts at a low drop rate and needing to spend excessive time in trying to obtain them.

I attempted it 24 times yesterday.

Although I didn’t get the mount, I did get Akama’s sickle thing, so I’m happy.

I Also got that 2h axe to drop twice for me, so that’s awesome.

And last, I got the toy.

I’ll try again, today, when I get off from work. Fingers crossed! :crossed_fingers:

Tried it on 2 different chars after the hotfix and didn’t get anything. So much for 100%.

It’s too bad the other anniversary mounts wouldn’t also drop in this manor.

I had to pay a lot on the BMAH for the corehound as, during the 10 year event, my mom died of cancer and I took some time off from the game to recalibrate.