Doomwalker Mount - Maybe a 1% drop rate

celebration stuff shouldn’t be though. How would you feel if it was your 17th wedding anniversary and your pants only had a 1% chance of dropping? pretty bad


As a married man I can tell you it’s less than 1% of your pants dropping well before 17 years, they are firmly attached to your waist at that point.

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You got any real data to support that?

That picture just proves you got lucky. :stuck_out_tongue:

grats by the way…

my only data to support my claim is that at least 9 others in my guild also have it. I took 9 characters out there and got it on my final attempt, which doesn’t prove anything… but if it truly was 1%, there’s just no way we would be seeing this many people claiming to have it.

I really doubt they would have a drop rate that low. I got it on my 4th character and the toy on the 5th. This is from the same person that got rustfeather mount after 462 kills. After that I took a long break from the game. Never again.

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wow I had no idea, I got really lucky then…first toon, first try

How many people are attempting it though? You don’t know the other side of the coin. Just in there in the last hour or so there was one person at 40, another at 38 and I am at 13, that’s 91 with no mount. Imagine if that was 91 individual people.

Now think about how many people you see in some shards killing the boss and imagine how many of those don’t have it.

Lower the drop rate.

Too many people have it.


Excuse me Sir, do you have a second to talk about our Lord and Savior SoW token?

This is how we c̶̶h̶̶i̶̶l̶̶l̶ watch the world burn from 93 'til

First off, I was mostly joking. Second, while statistically unlikely its still possible you all got lucky. :stuck_out_tongue:

(also I’m still joking)

Talking out of my behind I can say the drop rate is exactly 4%

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What even is the event? What do we have to do?

And why is the drop chance so low this makes no sense.

I’m just glad its another boring recolor. Won’t be too disappointed when I don’t get it.

Why do you think it’s okay making completionists feel stupid for trying to complete. This is a video game. I should be able to earn everything.


It’s just like the past few anniversary events. Rep/xp buff according to the anniversary number. Quest to kill three of the old world bosses. New boss added to the rotation this year with a separate quest. Quests can be picked up in the cavern of times.

Big events only happen on x0 and x5 anniversaries.

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I don’t remember doing anything like this. Last thing I remember is MC for the core hound mount. And that was a guaranteed drop right?

Thank you for the answer

you can. now be a good little completionist and continue leveling the rest of your alts to 60. the next 1% mount is just around the corner.

But the mount wouldn’t be earned you bum. It’s just about getting lucky. Too many clowns in this games community.


If i’m remembering correctly, MC was for the 15’th anniversary. The mount was a guaranteed drop, but there was a rare drop pet and weapon enchant that you could also get. I believe the enchant was added to winterveil so people had a shot to get it still. The pet may show up on the BMAH, but I can’t confirm that (read as I don’t feel like looking it up).

EDIT: MC was the 10th anniversary. You got the deathwing mount for 15.

agreed. now put on your makeup and get to grinding.