Doomwalker Mount - Maybe a 1% drop rate

30 tries 0 mounts 0 akamas weapon 1 toy 5 random bits of gear and 24 nothing but gold

Confirmed will be a yearly boss with the rest of the dragons when the event is up, still doesn’t help, in fact that’s worse knowing a world boss chance drop rate is happening only 2-3 weeks every YEAR?!

Yep its complete bull sheet. Do the devs even play their own game anymore ? So many bad ideas, they simply don’t put any thought into it. Their solution to anything is = make it a grind so the player has to play for long so they pay for a sub for longer, while shoving store mounts and other paid garbage in their face.


Drop rate should scale according to how old your account is. 2% per year.

They’ve turned the “Anniversary” into yet another, stale, “holiday” event. Like all the others.


Why worry about updating holidays on a regular basis when you can just be lazy and stick a low drop item somewhere so people will froth at the event for years to come?


I agree with most of this.

Events where people are excited and teaming up for fun:

Korraks, time walking raids, any event where the players feel like they’re “beating the system” (fast levelling, fast rep grinding, etc)

Events which people are depressed, not talking and just going through the motions on an army of alts:

1% drop rate mounts, world bosses, korthia.

They need to make more things like the first set and less things like the second set or they’re just going to cause burn out and stop players caring.

You can make the Mount ‘rare’ by attaching some requirements and a time restraint if needed, but I feel like if people had a set time-to-reward goal it would go down better.

But maybe they’re relying on preying on fomo/bad habits


Ive read alot of comments on it & I dont think its that rare. Its only Day 1 & we have almost a month of this event, you will get it.

Just got mine took 40 kills. The event isnup for about 3 weeks plenty of time to roll that dice

38 attempts, no luck. Drop rates for regular epics seem very low also, 30 alts got gold only. Took about 3 hours to do the whole thing and I feel like I wasted my whole night, I logged off and don’t have motivation to play any more tonight, was this the intended effect?


The intended effect was probably to keep you subbed longer.

Oh poor summer child, Mount Collectors try for years some mounts with that idea “you will get it”


And 24 gold at that. Why so stingy, Blizzard?

24 gold was a quest reward in MoP.


I’ve done 13 attempts, some people have certainly gone a lot more, some are lucky with 1 kill, obviously there always is that person who gets something after 1 try and than tells everyone how easy it is and that it’s OK you will get it, there is plenty of time.

What about people who don’t have alts? Anything more than 21 attempts and people with no alts will have no chance.

A celebration event should not have an RNG chance tied to it, in fact at this point in time an RNG chance for items should never even exist, it’s an outdated mechanic that needs to change. It’s about time Blizzard sort this out and change it to something that actually gives players a direction and something they can set out to finish rather than spending upwards of 15 years killing the same enemies and having nothing to show.

Take the MOP Warbringer mounts, I played when MOP was live, the other week I finally got my first mount from them, it should not take that many years for even just one of three recolours to drop.


Also, putting an Oondasta-like chain one-shot kill mechanic on this boss is a pretty damn spiteful move, especially when the run back is through the ENTIRE Caverns of Time passage without flying enabled.

This one’s gonna be a “tag and run away” boss for a lot of people because of that, I suspect.


Even on my level 50+ characters I am being one shot, no doubt anyone level 30 who are using those low level alts just for a mount chance will 100% tag it and bail. Feel sorry for players on low population RP servers because you can’t even use group finder until level 50.

I wonder how bad this is going to be to farm next year when people stop caring.


Yay, cause farming things for potentially years is super fun!! :face_vomiting:


Then don’t.

I’m already leveling up new characters, someday i’ll burn out due to my own adiction to the collectors meta, however i’m also trying to reach devs on this issue that people like me has 40+ characters but doesn´t give an opportunity or same chance to new players.

Devs invented a limit in order to get loot for love rocket, headless, this new mount in order to avoid people creating characters and deleting, but that causes an issue for the people farming those mounts, I’ve to level up 40 characters to 50 in order to have loot change for the rocket, next expansion I’ll have to level up those 40 alts to 60 :neutral_face:


Your little mechadragon pet for the 200 timewarped badges is your gift.