Doomwalker Mount - Maybe a 1% drop rate

Well, I’ve already picked up one rare 1% drop mount this year (Headless Horseman)… maybe I’ll get lucky twice.

Oh who am I kidding? I most likely won’t.

But I’ll still try.

Blizzard-- ask yourselves if a 1% chance on an anniversary mount (as part of a “celebration”) is fun for your players? I’ve read posts in this thread where players have farmed this mount (once a year) 1500+ times already to no avail. WHY???

I was out walking the other day, and was thinking about WoW compared to other games, and thinking about their style of gameplay. While other games seem to want to keep players happy, engaged and having fun, Blizzard likes to put time gates, incredibly low drop rate chances, rep grinds, rewards after the fact, and the like as their definition of “fun”. I don’t know why this is this way. Why not give tokens for each attempt a player kills a boss and doesn’t receive said mount? At least they’ll know their efforts won’t be in vain, and they’ll actually be working towards something. Invincible.


Wait what? This mount is new, it’s day 1, the new boss has been up for just over 6 hours. 1500+ times? I want to meet the altoholic with 1500 alts who has done the new boss on them all in 6 hours (that over 4 a minute).

I understand being upset, but flat out making things up isn’t going to help your cause.

31 tries 0 mount :frowning: ,lets see how tomorow goes if its daily or next week if its weekly .

Tomorrow is technically next week since the weekly cycle resets on Tuesdays. :grin: So it’ll be Wednesday before we learn if it resets daily or weekly.

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O yea i forgot about that lol ,oh well .

I just hope it is 1% or higher and not 0.1% like the other world bosses.

Agreed. Not everything needs to be a 100% drop rate. Its nice to have things to chase after and something to look forward to during certain times of the year. There’s nothing wrong with a low drop chance mount for the anniversary event if it’s going to come back every year.

Its also purely cosmetic, no power to be gained from it so its not like you need the mount, and there are plenty of other rare mounts in the game, much rare than this mount will be with how quick and easy it is to kill this boss.

Yeah I can’t think of anything more to look forward to than 400 attempts on horseman, love rocket and now this every year. So much fun and excitement!


you don´t get mount collectors and don´t realize the big issue on reward desing provided by Blizzard.

Mount collectors want all the mounts based on a specific criteria, some don´t want like store mounts but others want ALL of them.

So, we can see our gorgeous progress on pages like dataforazeroth or simplearmory, however the reward design for mounts with really low drop just incentivize the toxic player behaviour to create an army of alts and a time sink for players, instead of adding good bad luck mechanics like every time you kill headless horseman the mount drop increase by a % or something.

The cosmetics trascends expansions compared to covenants, artifact weapons and other systems, for mount collectors the alts is our own min/max like hardcore raiders created 4 alts of the same class just to have each covenant in order to fight against the borrow power design, its the same.

New players won´t engage on a game that’s designed around mounts that took old players 10years or 8k-11k attempts, they won´t see the game as something good.

Some player base adapted to the lessons provided by the devs that a mount with low % that’s like lottery is “rare” that’s why you find comments like "Not everything needs to be a 100% drop rate. " but you don´t see anytone requesting like a countermeasure that gives you something in order to buy it after 100/200 attempts. at the end we’ll have some mounts that are recolors like the sha of anger to show off to a reduce player base each expansion, each patch.

Devs should desing rewards with players that only have 1 character and althocolics on mind.


28 so far, no mount, got the toy and some equips… But not the scythes, unfortunately. Alas and alack.

…I still have a few toons who could do it, but my sanity is waning so it’s breaktime.

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We need a game that cares about the burn out of the player too, sorry about that Sledge Good luck, i did 38 attempts no mount yet.


Whenever you guys see people asking for the character cap to be raised remember mounts like this are the fuel for it


Cringe take from a clown

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Lmao I got it my 6th kill ever. Didn’t do it last year. It’s whatever. Makes up for the 300 something LFR jaina kills I did and the 250 Kings rest runs I did. Mount farming is misery.

It wasn’t even up last year, it’s a new boss from this year onwards.

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18 attempts. Got the toy on the second. Trash tmogs on a few others. I have 2 left that I’ll do before the reset.

I did the event on my Mage and my Priest.

My mage got 20 gold.

My Priest got nothing.

not much of a celebration to me.

Alright, so I got the Akama axe on my 3rd kill on a Demon hunter (lol), toy on the 8th kill and the mount on the 14th kill.

This wasn’t as bad as I anticipated and I won’t feed into the outrage anymore.

Now to get the remaining mogs…ugh…

On things that can be farmed daily yeah sure, but for a once a year/once a lifetime event ? C’mon…