Doomwalker Mount - Maybe a 1% drop rate

The point is to gameify anything and everything to spike participation levels. They used to do it with pets and the the feats of strength. However those don’t cut it anymore so blizz has to up the dose.

Increased cooldowns on toys, hmm pretty baseless, oh making professions useless… Making Stealthman 54 unusable under 50 Despite not having a more modern version of it from other professions (What could an out of combat put in stealth item that will immediately remove you from stealth have but “Fun” uses?) Cause RNG is favored over hard work.

The people I play with I actually enjoy tanking for them I enjoy running content when we do.

that is awesome, wow is a really fun game

Just came to let you guys know that it’s not 1%.

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Anybody know if we can try to loot it daily?

Not sure if daily or weekly, but if I had to guess it’s probably daily since he drops a few transmogs and a toy. I can’t see them making it weekly with that many items on his table.

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im glad i got lucky and got it first kill first try

Ive run 8 times now. Got the mount on my 2nd. And pretty much every kill I saw someone say they got it.

I’d say it being limited to 3 weeks out of the whole year is already pretty damn rare.

Should be a guaranteed reward for the event.


12 times, no mount. Only saw 3 people get the mount so far

But did Onyxia take more deep breaths?

27 kills. 1 toy, 4 equips.

Ouch! Im 4/8. Gun/mount/toy/pants and 4 gold.

just did the boss 30 times. 1 on every 30 plus alt and no mount

Got the mount on 17th alt …toy on 2nd alt…

whats toy called?

Whew searched up the Mount. So glad it’s trash and ugly so I don’t have to grind it.


This is why we need a system like FFXIV’s tokens. Basically, after you kill a raid boss 99 times and mount hasn’t dropped, everytime you get a totem. Turn in 99 for mount at vendor.