Doomwalker Mount - Maybe a 1% drop rate

Exactly, just like Gladiator, KSM , Challenge mode, weapons from mage tower, mythich raid bosses fights, brawlers guild, things that you must engage and require skill to get, the other ones that depends on just luck and RNG should have a bad luck system, so players won´t feel like it’s a waste of time before even trying.

that’s true, however i tried FFXIV and i got a whole car mount from an event that involved questlines,single boss fights like mage tower and then i still needed to buy the mount with a grind but it feels better that just an rng drop and as per my friends who paid for that game and play all the time, they mentioned that a lot of mounts with low %s got bad luck mechanism on which you get progress if you don´t get it.


It would be fine if it wasn’t just 3 weeks per year, read that again, yearly. You get 21 chances per year per character. If you have more than 1 x 1% drop mounts, average out how many kills it took you to get them, than do the maths and see how many years on average you would be farming a reskin.

Still think it’s OK?

So far I have seen a couple of comments stating they would have resubbed for another mount, but found out it was a drop chance and just didn’t bother. The drop rate, there is nothing fancy about it, the rehash again of Ye Olde AV, the only new thing is the xmog and toy, the rest is just old or reskinned stuff, that isn’t bringing back subs anytime soon.

How engaged do you feel waiting for something to spawn, whacking it 4 times and swapping alts? Trust me, 10-15 times a week for years and nothing to show, it’s not engaging even in the slightest.


If they included clear goals each seasonal events, they’ll have 6-7 subs pers year, every damn xmas,halloween…etc a new cosmetic with a questline , mount or something interesting and a lot people will resub.

Imagine adding player housing and then new cosmetics for that feature each year, easy money

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See you understand, but some people here for whatever reason just love to say things must stay rare without noting the drawbacks to having things rare and almost never attainable for most of us.


I got sha of anger mount after 8000+ attempts still its just another mount, if only those models were like an unique thing at least for that lottery drop rate, but mostly are recolors.

i don´t get why people defend the low drops as rare, this is another thing that kills the game for new players and old players as well.


which mount is the OP referencing?

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Illidari Doomhawk Mount

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I know some poor soul who has over 13K Sha kills. I’ve stopped in the last 2 weeks from 10+ farming Rukhmar and Sha to do something else, and it’s paid off. Got Deathcharger, one of the ZG mounts, Antoran Charhound, Arachnoid and the WG raid mount just to name a few. Easily 30-40 mounts in that time just be using my camping time to run some instances and farm other rares instead.

And that Deathcharger, my first account was from Vanilla, stopped in Cata and made a new account from MoP onwards, only this year I finally see that mount drop and I was running sub 2 minute runs in that place. For a 16+ year old mount, that’s just stupid. People can say it should be rare as much as you want, but there has to be a limit, you’re crazy if you think that is normal for any other game in existence.


There are 4 mounts in Maldraxxus ALONE with a 1% drop chance. 1% mount drop chance is the rule, not the exception.

The mount should drop the first time you do it.

It’s a damned anniversary reward.

Makes no sense to make it low drop.


“Low droprate - Presumably 1%, but not enough data at the moment to be certain”

the way i look at it is dumb tbh.

  1. it’s a dragonhawk mount. we’ve had at least 2 in the game for a very long time; i’ve seen 0 people using them on a regular basis if at all.

  2. people want to say it should be a rare drop cause it’s Unique; wtf is unique about it? looks like a recolored mount to me and how many mounts do we already have in this game?

  3. it LEGIT feels like a backhand to the fans/customers for an event that should be celebrating basically US supporting them via buying the products. it’s like “thank you for helping support our business, here is a 1%/low drop rate mount you CAN obtain within a short time period. if you don’t get it this year well then sub again and get it next year”.

either way im still gonna try for the mount, if i don’t get it idc i would like it but given the fact that i don’t really play alts my chances are a lot lower. i used to like collecting mounts tbh but with how ridiculous it has gotten over the years im over it. just a huge waste of time. tf am i supposed to do? flex on people that i wasted X amount of my time/life getting a mount that basically is meaningless when i quit/die? GG


The point is previous years it was a yearly specific reward for being a player Were being rewarded for playing the game as a thank you, Why turn the event into something people will get angry and hate? Honestly I hate Hallows end brewfest love is in the air for these reasons They aren’t fun cause I am constantly logging into alts for the damn mounts instead of being able to actually enjoy the holiday.


I honestly wonder why people like Akadruid still bother to play this game. They have a new complaint five times a week. I wonder at what point it’ll click for them that they aren’t having fun, and should probably stop wasting their time and money.


Because you can like a game and hate certain aspects of it? and the fact Blizzard actively tries to reduce levels of fun in game.


That’s not a fact. It’s an assumption at best, and frankly a baseless one in most cases.

This exactly. FFXIV has been doing this sort of stuff for years now.

It’s not meant to be “challenging” or a grind, it’s meant to be a thankyou for sticking with the game through the year - something every player still paying subscription money rightly deserves.

A 1% drop rate is ridiculous.


ok, I am all ears to know what you or the OP like about wow.

Hope not :sob:

I’d rather the mounts with low drop rates be around 'all the time’ like Sha of Anger vs mounts that are around 3 out of 52 weeks :-1:


Seems fitting for how the whole game is timegated rng that has rng with rng and a side of rng.