Doomwalker Mount - Maybe a 1% drop rate

It will be on bmah for 10m at somepoint.

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They just need to learn from themselves, last year we got I think was the first time seeing Alterac of Olde (which should not have come back, but hey easy levelling for alts), year before was the Deathwing mount and I love that mount. 10 year was MC.

Just MC and Deathwing were good examples of how it should work, not just adding a world boss into the mix and than rehashing Alterac again, it’s just sad.


Just curious but could someone explain why it’s a problem having a handful of mounts be extremely rare? There’s like 800 mounts and more than half of those require very little effort to get, and about 2 dozen or so with a 1% drop chance.

Is it really a big deal having a few mounts that not everyone has?


You think it’s okay for items in the game to take hundreds if not thousands of kill attempts to obtain? We’re talking years here.

Rare is fine. Yes things should require effort to obtain but 1% drop rate on anything is so silly.


Why is it a problem? There’s hundreds of other mounts I can choose from. They added a few super rare mounts, and I see nothing wrong with that.

If I get it, I get it. If I don’t… that’s fine. It’s fine for some items to be extremely rare.


There is more than 2 dozen with a 1% drop chance I think. But I know a guy with over 13K kills on Sha, probably not even the most someone has, dude does 50 kills per week with a bonus roll, that’s 100 chances a week at a single recolour mount, that’s not OK.

I’m telling you now, most people who farm mounts will say the same thing: No one cares. No one really cares that you have a fancy mount and they don’t.

I’d be fine if something shiny was hard to get, took effort, needed you to farm stuff yourself and not just buy from the AH (Like the 2 legendary items from MC), that’s fine. But having a 1% drop chance on an item, any item, that is just bad and I’ve seen it turn people away from the game, something we certainly don’t want.


Just check the amount of playerbase that got those mounts, for example sha of anger mount is ownder only for 0.70% of player base and love rocket 1.43%, when you compared that to other game engagement like FFXIV on which i got mounts for events in a trial account, you´ll notice that this doesn´t engage new players, also its not a good game design for players that don´t play alts, in order to get better chances the mount collectors like me, create a lot of alts and accounts so we can have a little chance still to get those mounts, its just a big time skink and not a good reward like when i farmed green fire with my lock, a whole scenario and a good fight or mage tower.

we don´t need really low drop % , that’s just toxic and some playerbase think that’s rare because devs introduced that idea on your mind, when the real rare mounts are things with a challenge like gladiator, i don´t have those because my pvp sucks, challenge mode for MoP and WoD are rare because you needed to beat a timer on all dungeons when the content was relevant, if we got an always green system then those mounts could be a challenge always but every system on this game works per expansion, just look at mage tower and how people want the rewards back and other people are against that, the whole point is that the weapons are rare due to the challenge presented on legion.

PS: i got sha of anger after 8000+ attempts, nobody cares and Blizzard doesn´t add a new mount for 500+ mount achivement, last achievement was added on 2018 for 400, we don´t even have future goals as mount collectors.


We disagree, fair enough. I don’t think that anything should be so rare that only a very small percentage of players have it.

Items being super rare because they’re a a reward from difficult content? Cool

Items being super rare for the sake of just being super rare? Not that cool


Really this mount in particular is not even that good of a mount anyway, plus in this example it’s the principle of the matter. We are supposed to be celebrating 17 years of this game, that’s something worth celebrating, but no they turn it into yet another mount farm.

The last couple of anniversary mounts were great as was the MC one, but this one, I wonder if I will even bother after a couple of days.


Just do what I do: get the Rukhmar mount during Hallows End and then go kill horseman 382 times and not see his mount drop yet again.


You are Right. But some people dont understand this.

I know it sounds quite annoying to farm over and over sometimes. But the Anniversary event doesnt mean you have to be granted with a 100% droprate mount. Why it should be?. Seems some people got stuck at wow 10th or 15th events they were very special ones.

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Got my horseman mount last month, after almost one decade playing.


I dont see any problem about this kinda of drop rate.
If is something that will come back every year, will aways have another chance to get.
But if the mount is exclusive for the year, like deathwing mount, it must to be 100% garanted

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I hate to tell you all but you should be grateful for this attempt at a new mount…usually they don’t offer any mount or battle pet unless its on a 5 yr mark…5, 10, 15 , 20 and so on…sure its somewhat dull looking but again Blizzard didn’t have to offer it up…I can see their side too…they are bleeding subs right now and trying to pull back some subs…its a double edged sword right now.

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because you’re already engage on the game and spent a decade getting the best hallow’s end mount, now just imagine that you bring a total new player to the game and he/she ask about the best reward for halloween, you show him/her the mount, but then you mention that in order to get it you must be really lucky with 1 single character and maybe it will require a decade of your time.

Sound good for a rewarding video game.

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Why shouldn’t it be? There are plenty of super rare mounts already in the game, why not make the anniversary one something that everyone can get easily?


Be honest of yourself

You’re not going to use that mount as your daily flying mount to begin with

Majority of these people aren’t so they shouldn’t be over dramatically upset over a mount


Who’s being over dramatically upset? Using hyperbole to make your point seem valid doesn’t work.


Rare things are important part of EVERY rpg (online or not). They need something epic and hard to get, to keep the player engaged, something that makes you feel diferent, powerfull and special, something that makes the jorney to get it worth, that satisfaction feeling of been rewarded for your eforts. Without it, everything becames ordinary and boring.
Give ALL things to a new player so easy and fast will make then lose the interest in the game faster. they will have nothing more to pursuit.


Its a low rez recolour of a dragonhawk. Meh. They should have recoloured the mythic Sylvanas mount instead.