Doomwalker Mount - Maybe a 1% drop rate

I got it Second try after hotfix. It should be 100% tomorrow.

Right, but the rarity of this mount should be that you played during the 2021 anniversary event. That makes it scarce enough (especially considering how few people are playing right now). I think they should either make it 100% droprate but not bring the world boss back in future years, or bring the world boss back every Legion Timewalking loop (since it is a Legion themed mount).

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Sorry to hear that, I have also lost my mum to cancer, sucks balls for sure.

Sadly I also missed that mount, was taking a break at the time with my kid starting school, unfortunately life does happen and it’s much more important than a game.

But yes, I also want that Corehound dammit! But that I can agree with Blizzard and others, some things need to be rare, that being one of them, this mount this year, no thanks, no point making recolours super rare world boss drop rates, that’s just silly.

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Ok i like low drop chance mounts, not always things like soundless were too low for what it is and how the spawn was but in general i felt the doomwalker 1% droprate was fine.

It’s irrelevant now since it was changed but that is my stance.

1% is not fine imo because there are a couple raid mounts which took me almost half year to get like blackhand mythic mount took me 425 tries ,mimiron head took me 200+ tries and i could go on and on and on ,now this event is timed what if i cant get a mount which i want just for the numbers sake in time before event finishes ? Its not the effort that i m running away to put from its the luck which is umm moody .
Now if its a 1% rare okay but there should be a bad luck protection too so that i dont get a slap in the face for killing something that drops mount in limited time .

Yes, I do.

6 total tries. got the mount; not even kidding. i got both the mount and a gun on my hunter so 2 in 1 basically on the same drop.

seems like the mount is more then 1% tbh i’ve seen a LOT of people getting it when i ran my 5 toons today. at least about 6 of um on it or typing in general chat they got it. i assume at least 20% drop chance maybe higher

They hotfixed it hours after daily reset to be 100% now.

Because I waaaaannnnt them!

So those are special. So I waaaaannnnt them!

(No, I do not see the irony.)

No, it is not.

This is not a bad design issue, it is a player entitlement issue.

True story. On day one I killed Doomwalker probably 40 times before reset, and didn’t get the mount. Not a problem, because I knew that even given the drop rate at that point (1%), I’d have it in a day or two. They increased the drop rate to 100% on reset that night, which means I ended up with 2 of them, as I had two characters there. I heard about the drop rate change after the kill and I was like, okay, I’m done here.

A discord buddy of mine got it on his ninth try. This is a guy that doesn’t seriously hunt mounts. He was irate that he wasn’t going to be able to hold it over people that he got it earlier than them since everybody was going to have it now. I kid you not.

Got it on my first kill, thought it was a perk of the pre patch

Nice necromancy

Btw drop rate is 100% if you didn’t own it before.

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Yeah after tons and tons of crying in the forums last year about drop rate…just typical of players base we have anymore. Up till last year we usually only got a mount for Anniversary on 10, 15 times but all the crying they went and added one off Doomwalker last year.

My Irish blood must of finally paid off, as I got it on my first try this week, and then the Zulian Panther a few hours later out of Zul’Gerub. I did not know it was a 1% chance as I also got the Trophy and a helmet on that kill as well, so lucky me I guess.

:shamrock: :shamrock: :shamrock: Good luck to everyone still seeking it! :shamrock: :shamrock: :shamrock:

There is no chance anymore…
You kill and you get the mount if you hadn’t have it before.

What in the resurrection is going on here? xD
I had to wowhead just to make sure I wasn’t back in 2021 again.


There is no low drop rate on Doomwalker mount its a 100% now …it was changed last year when everyone cried about the drop rate…so they made it 100%

lol did you guys really bring this thread back from a year ago

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I just killed Doomwalker and got an Illardi Dragonhawk mount, Is that the one you mean ? and he dropped A Doomwalker trophy toy ( cause I guess wow figured I should get a participation trophy) The only drawback is that i used the Questing group finder UI to make a Doomwalker group and the darn thing did not ask me if i wanted to upgrade to raid after 5 people joined, other than that it was smooth on a low pop server after maybe 5 minutes of play.

Bingo you get your trophy and yes that is what they are talking about.