Doomhammer Alliance Reconnections

Been good! It’s awesome seeing you and all the other Drow peeps in this thread. We all need to converge to the same server!


Great to see you and the other VW veterans here! Looking forward to playing together again soon.

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Nonpoint - Drow - Human Warrior - launch to AQ

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Used to play a priest named Crackmonkey / Goldnoggin, Mostly pvped cant remeber any guilds i was in.

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We sure did - and Stealjaw, and Saraja, and Saint, Dellidorn, Kaerellan?, Mondgotten, Izy (in all his forms), Borjak…

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I am on the fence on whether I’m going to try Classic or not, but I originally joined Doomhammer on Day 1 with folks from my old EverQuest guild, Keepers of Kithicor. Not many stayed and I lost touch with all of them that I hadn’t known in real life before hand.

My main was Finnias, Paladin, who stubbornly tried to live up to Blizzard’s broken promise of Paladins being “tanks overall”.

I also frequently played a mage named Gilliam.

I spent at least some time with either mains or alts in Windward, Ars Discordia, Terra Promessa, Sans Emo, Ad Idem, and probably some other latin-ish names. I also created Casual Sect.

Edit: I haven’t used these forums in years, and it seems like once I commented on 2 posts, it won’t let me comment on anymore, but I did see a couple other familiar names.

I don’t actually recall if I knew you, but I remember your name. Maybe it was just from around town in Ironforge, but it definitely rings a bell.

Hello there!

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Wilibus Dwarf Paladin. I played with Arisen. Kinda weird to see some names that are familiar on here.


Oh wow its all flooding back! Any of you all still hang together? Any plans of starting fresh in classic that you know of?

Yeah i remember that, we did the practice rotations outside, chimera was funny. Ill be playing horde this time around, server tbt

This is probably the most useless information I’ve ever retained, but do you remember when Drow fell outta Naxx and all cratered in Southshore?

Wilibus! Good to see you here!

Hahaha, I do remember that. That was one of the most random yet hilarious bugs we ever ran into while raiding. We started bringing slow fall potions and the paladins used DS to survive so we could summon them back to Naxx.

“Remember, remember, the 5th of December,
The patch day treason and plot.
I see no reason, for MS and Cleavin’,
Since Tseric wants us to spec Prot.”


Simonious here… i remember you

YOOOODER!! Contact me on Discord!


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That’s me! I remember when that unexpectedly blew up.

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Cruor and I joined a guild on the Whitemane server. We still have some slots anyone interested can add me Kurkis#1533

Looking to get more Drow people there.

Been awhile buddy.
