We got us a Simonious, Wilibus, Ardane, Theadrick Gretch and a Klout? where you guys playing?
yea i remember you man lol my old toon is on proudmoore right now
There were three guilds I can only remember 2: Ars Discordia and Tier Zero:
Gnome Warlock: Mystro - Ars Discordia
Resto Night Elf Druid: Zagato - Tier Zero - Guild Leader: Tiesto
Mystro#1390 - I don’t remember all who played.
Hey Tex! I think most people here are going with Pagle, from what I can tell. That’s the server I went with
Do you know what server most people from Tier Zero are going?
Hey Kurkis I remember you from Impact in BC
Haven’t seen many ars discordia how ya been.
Yeah buddy, how you been. Guild on Whitemane is recruiting a Holy Paladin who wants to PVE / PVP
That’s right Athanastus, He was our MT. Were you a warlock? Are you Evan?
Sent you a request - Makivante#1696
I am good just trying to figure out everything, I have real life friends who want to go horde-pvp, but I honestly hate the horde side. I miss the alliance for sure! I also remember being apart of I think called Legendary Umms?
Nice ill be ally side on whitemane as i see alot of the old doomhammer guys going there.
They are hanging out with Dyermaker’s mom. She is still all the talk.
Argh. I responded like a n00b with an alt’s name. Yeah . . . all my alts are former Rar member names.
Good to see a few old rar names.
Some of us don’t run far.
Howdy Dudz and Steam. I remember the both of you. I still play as GiffGiff or Cerv at random times.
Felgun Dwarf Priest of Ars Armifer
Hochopepa - Human Mage of The Void. Played with my brother, a Night Elf Rogue named Mythris, my best friend played a warlock named MysticMerlin. Hope to find a few old guildmates and friends that played with us.
Tier Zero lad here - Dolgono holy pally
used to raid in Drow on Dolock as well