Doomhammer Alliance Reconnections

I was in Legends as well. Sneakypink, Gnome rogue. The guild went on to form Esoteric…GM was Ascension.
Coming back for Classic for sure!!!

I remember you Gretchyn. Sneakypink here…

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Ziros the Paladin from Drow checking in. Looks like there’s a lot of old names I remember in here. Should be fun to catch up with everyone. Dropping my contact info below for anyone that wants to reach out:

Discord: SprkFade#1170
Steam: SprkFade
BNet: SprkFade#1197

If someone is getting the old Drow crew together, let me know, I’d be interested.


hey Gurr - Its me Onda =)

hi - were you in a guild called Windward by chance? If so - hi its me Onda =) I was a Human priest.


Hey All,

Saint < Human Rogue > Here.

Seeing a lot of char’s and guild names that I haven’t seen in years!! good times…

Trying to 40 man raid scholo in our 40’s and wiping and wiping, Tarren mill before BG’s launched, hours of dueling outside SW and IF, stealth caping farm and blacksmith, mid fights in WSG, days in AB, all the instances, then the raids opening up…

So many memories, hope to re capture some in Vanilla and make more over on Pagle Horde side this time. Hope to see you there!!!

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Nice to see some old friends still around…
React, how you been?


Loopah, you son of a bitc*, how are you?

Hello everyone!

I remember a lot of the guild names and some of the players! I was a NE Hunter name Andaric, I did a lot the BGs and was in a casuals guild Agents of Shadow.

If I have the time, I plan on re-rolling the same toon by the same name.

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I thought we had M’uru U.S. 10? ‘‘Twas a glorious night of nerd screams.

Xslade night elf rogue. Valors Wrath. ran night raid every week till we got big enough. I wrote the guild songs. we never raid together. UH! UH!


Yeah, it was top 10 US M’uru. Couldn’t hear anything on Vent for a good 5 minutes after he went down.

i remember you! we cleared naxx together

Naxx was a blast. I still remember writing the bossmod for Four Horsemen and everyone practicing the rotation in the room before. Chimera writing the spreadsheet and trying to explain it to everyone was hilarious.


I played in Lux with my brother, My name was Desinence and his was Athanastus.

lxg 4 lyfe

I miss Chimera, the dude was hilarious


4real, what server you planning on?

Yes!!! I had forgotten the name! Hi Onda, trying to recall your name but it is escaping me.

Do you happen to remember if we had a NE warrior by the name of Kentril? I think he was in Windward also.