Doomhammer Alliance Reconnections

WoW, I started off playing in Disciples of Remus on this character (though I was a dwarf at the time; far sexier than Blood elf);

I was the pally who got the hand of ragnaros!

Used to play with Greyfoo and Howard

Sanctum Lux super Woman. Yes I still Play Tenderpaws

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Kozmic did you also play alts named along the lines of rednoggin, bluenoggin, and a bunch of other "color"noggin’s? if so

I am Thaylog NE druid we were in a guild together. you might have been in the same one with Loganbunny, Gingerkyd, Oneman, and Finn.

I was hoping to maybe see Gingerkyd on here lol. I still have Thaylog on Doomhammer.

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I used to play on Doomhammer until the creation of Fizzcrank back in 2008 (the queues were getting to me!). My main was:

Thumbelina - Gnome Mage
LegendaryUms / Ancient Order of UMs

Grinding out Molten Core – oh the memories :wink:


Humdinger - NE Priest (eventually switched to Human). Originally played in an Alliance guild named ‘Sentinels of Revelation’ and ran with a coalition of 3 guilds to run MC. In BC I ended up joining ‘Defenestration’, which was a great group of people. For Classic I’m playing Horde on Atiesh.

I am going to be playing on Whitemane with some friends.

Yes I remember you for sure. That was me, some of the Noggins were some of my other friends that had played.

Hey Hum! I remember you well. For BC (or maybe Wrath) I was mostly Shamting (Draenei Shaman) in Def, aside from Tinget. I’ll be bouncing back and forth between Pagle and Atiesh, Alliance though. Maybe we’ll cross paths at some point, good to see you.

hit me up with a bnet invite if you want. I made an ally on Mankrik for classic. Thaylog (yeah I got the name) or hit me up for some retail side to if you want. like I said Thaylog is still on doomhammer so just mail me yer bnet id if you want.

Wow, so many guild and toon names I remember…

I was Daryen and later Moskau. I was in Protectors of the Realm, did a bit of BC content with Kezz and Ianus, did a little bit with Madmaximus (before Lux Aeterna, I think) before founding and running Con Brio from BC until mid-Cataclysm.

This thread is great.

Greyfoo is playing in Relic on DH still. Hwrdreborn stepped away from the game in Legion, but still around on Relic Discord.

I remember when you got HoR … getting Arcanite bars anywhere you could

Yeh, Played a lock in Praetorian Alliance and later Legio fenix.

I saw faddan and tortilla in this thread.

Oh man, does Greyfoo still sing? I remember hearing a lot about relic over the years. You guys decided on a server? i’ll be on Remulos (OCE)

Didnt DoR have a sister guild: Disciples of Remulos?)

Yeah 100 bars was a lot back then! then I accidentally created it on the boat from menithil Harbor with Bronor when we were on the way to make it as a guild…thought there was a channel time…whoops.

Ianus then later Sunai when name changes came in. Holy Pally in Protectors of the Realm, raided MC with Coercion earlier. Nice to see all the familiar legends in here.


I raided with BFE and later joined Out of Mobs for the longest. I gave up WoW shortly after Draenor xpac. I recently started playing again on the horde side on Area 52 with Logibob.

DH - Alliance
Classic = Sinao (druid)
BC = Carnijin (shaman)
Wrath = Xavero (dk)

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Hey man! i think alot of the old crew that i know of, Tektonik, Arthius, Prillina, Vectasigma are all rolling horde on the PvP realm
Have you had any luck with any of the others from TnW???

Skitzo; Gnome; Warlock

Rising Anarchy and Addiction
Started on Doomhammer and took free transfer to Trollbane just prior to BC when queues became oppressive.

Illmenite, Dwarf, Pally
Kyanite, Dwarf, Hunter
Tatania, Human, Priest


Hey Drago! It’s Illy (aka Illmenite). Good to see you! Are you planning on playing Classic? If so I’d love to game with you again. My group is going to be playing Pagle (or Whitemane). Send me a message! AlbrechtEh#2982

Yo Karsey… Its Sanji… how you been man?