Doomhammer Alliance Reconnections

Pretty sure we used to play together during BC. Was maining Distein Holy Pally. Played with Chinges, MMChunga.

Starting a guild on Westfall, message me for details if you’re interested:

Discord: SprkFade#1170
Steam: SprkFade
BNet: SprkFade#1197

Full on Paladins but room for basically everything else at this point.

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Alli!! Flasks Don’t Fix Stupid.

Jives < Pupils of Necronomicon >, Gnome Warlock. I’ll never forget raiding ZG and RP walking from Northshire to Stormwind with our newest batch of guidie Dreadsteeds!

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Oh Wow - it’s so good to see you! Are you going to play Classic? On retail, my main is Grianan, Human Pally - and I’m still on Doomhammer. On classic, I’ll be on Pagle and I think I’ll be returning to Sydnie as my main. But who knows what will happen. Look me up on one or the other or both. Have fun! :smiley:

I remember Athanastus (Human Warrior).
I played with him back in classic as Enthalpy (Gnome Mage). I also remember his (at the time) girlfriend, Seran (Night Elf Druid). They did break up though…

Does he still play WoW? Coming back for Classic?

Great job replicating that classic experience! I am number 8000+ in the queue currently with an estimated 2 hour+ wait. Just like old times. /golfclap

I ended up rolling Pagle, myself. Had to use a funny character to get my name though :frowning:

Briareos - Night Elf Hunter

Played with people from all over, Tier Zero, Rar, Drow, Entrada, Potr.

My god seeing all these people pop up again is so amazing =D
As an Aussie i’ll be playing on Remulos (Oceanic PVE) so i probably won’t see many of you around in game, but feel free to add my battlenet if you’d like to anyway! Tatler#1880


Toxicamour NE hunter - tier zero
Toxicamus NE priest - tier zero and lucid

Been trolling on here a minute and keep forgetting to throw up my battlenet!
Still playing!




I used to be roommates with Brandon and Matt. Long time no see!

In DoR I was Rahtna, a NE Hunter.

I played from day 1 on Doomhammer. I started with a NE hunter named Oshae and later played a main NE priest named Tirista. I started in the Disciples of Remus guild and then moved to Singularity.

Sure would be nice to find out if there are any people left playing from back in the day. Some memorable guild mates were Sutekh (NE hunter), Timewalk (NE druid), Miniragnaire (Gnome rogue).

I remember Giffgiff I think. Cerv for sure. Dudz, Atomsk, Sutekh, Timewalk. Any idea what happened to any of these people? It would be awesome to find some of them still playing. I was Oshae, Tirista in DoR and Singularity.

Hello All,

Happy to see some familiar names around.
Played a hunter with the TNW(Hi Eid!) and PvP’d with Nitsu/Raven/Evil/Sicnus.
Trying to figure out where everyone ended up.

Nice to recognize a few old friends on here. Trying to win the battle against the authentication server on Myzrael now, and debating on whether it’s worth it to try and run through weekly raids with friends again.

Vanilla - Ressirict - Priest - Rising Anarchy, Tier Zero, Drow
WOTLK - Teeiah - Druid / Trouse - DK - Relic

Is there a semi-official ex-doomhammer destination server that most are playing on?

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Hey man, its Sanji… The DH guys kinda split up between Whitemane and Balmeaux or w/e. Not too many from RA as of now its me, react, and Karsey

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It’s so nice to see a few names I remember from when I raided in High school! I recognize React, Karsey, Skitzo, Sanji, and Ressirict on here.

Christophert - Human (Sword) Rogue
Rising Anarchy

Raided all of MC and some of BWL with Rising Anarchy until school got a bit to busy. I remember stealthing past all the corehounds in MC to rez a priest after a wipe on Garr/Geddon with my goblin jumper cables.

Used to play a Priest named Bittersweet and a Paladin named Rosaparkz. Was the GM of the guild Holy Crit. Some of you may remember me spamming: “Tired of running around SW wishing you had friends? Well, come join Holy Crit!”

It was so fun having that guild and we actually made a really awesome and helpful community. Anyway, thought it would be fun to reconnect with people from back in the day, if possible :slight_smile:

I remember pvping with Sicnus and that group. Not sure where he ended up over the years.

Holy crap. There’s a lot of blasts from the past. I probably heard of more of you than have heard of me but here goes:

Rofocal - Druid

Azeroth Mercenary Corp
(Briefly) Rar
Frequent forum drama instigator (sorry about that)

Came back later as Yalisa in Singularity and Sanctum and then Revnant (yep spelled wrong) in Sanctum then Revenge

Unsure of how much I’ll play Classic but I’ll be off and on there. Feel free to hit me up on retail though. I’m on DH still as either Rofocal or Jairina on alliance side. BT is atomos#1582

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