Did they? Didn’t see that
www dot icy-veins dot com/forums/topic/54694-blizzard-increased-drop-chance-of-legendary-power-recipes-in-dungeons/
That’s good to know - I’ll spam heroic instead of normal like I was going to. Thanks for the info!
Ran quite a few normals with no luck. Got it on my first heroic last night - unsure if that was before or after the hotfix that increased drop rates.
Now I just need to decide if I should craft it this week or wait to see about buffs/nerfs.
After 53 runs I finally got doom winds today
And just like that they increase the drop rate significantly based on difficult
Yup. Just got it on a heroic. Dropped for me AND the other shaman.
In 34 runs I never saw it drop before. For me or any other shaman. So I guess they upped the rate alot.
What a relief to be done w/that.
Props to Blizz for the course correction.
if i queue up and don’t get it later tonight
im comin back here and yelling at all of you after this
0 for 4 today
i hate u all
ok another update, m0 seems to be nearly 100% chance, if not actually 100%
Been farming it for 3 days straight from 4pm til 11 pm no drop.
I got it on my third run of Spires. I’m resto, I didn’t even know there was a drop there.
Got mine in Torghast.
Make sure to run heroics (and your 1x mythic when you can). Blizz hotfixed drop rates yesterday to have a significantly higher drop rate per difficulty tier.
So they hotfixed it after I got mine figures.
Done 39 runs total and 15 runs or so since the hotfix and no drop ofcourse, great grind this!
You didn’t though
I really did though. End of the run dropped it.
That’s quite literally impossible.
Impossible you say? Maybe I smoked too much that night.
I got ultra lucky. Got it first go on heroic. Another dude got a hunter memory too
I certainly don’t want to complain because I know many of you ran it 50+ times before the droprate was buffed, but I still haven’t seen it after one m0 and several heroic runs. Thought it was essentially guaranteed even at m0 level?
I got it on my first attempt and I didn’t even know it dropped from the dungeon I was in. Got lucky that time.