Doom Winds drop rate?

How long is it taking people to get the doom winds memory from spires?

No luck for me so far or for other shamans that have been in my groups.


It took about 10 normal spire runs before it dropped for me, i think its worth farming if the sims and guides suggest that it is bis legendary. But tbh i have no idea if it is the best or not, needing to find more information on it. Good luck!

Just got mine today, after 29 runs, 1 mythic, 3 heroic, 25 normals. Had it drop on a normal run. I ran as resto for faster queues and just burned through em till i got it.


Yea I am hearing its going to be around 15 runs on average with the worst amount someone had at 39. So it seems to be lower drop rate but not like a 1%, maybe more 5% if I had to guess.

19th Run for me so far…no drop D:
Edit: 20…no drop

Many, many runs… haven’t seen one in any group yet, on any shaman.

Perseverance is key…


I must have gotten really lucky; it dropped on my first try (it also dropped for another shaman in my group). Hope y’all get it soon!


Actually just got 2 legendary to drop back to back in 2 torgheat runs. A resto shaman one and a doomwinds. Idk the drop rate but if its low then dam son I got super lucky.

Edit: those are the only 2 torghast runs I’ve done so far

Same here actually!

Wait…doomwinds can drop from Torghast? I thought only specific ones dropped from there? Or do all memories have 1 specific drop method, and then torghast can give completely random ones?

Maybe it wasnt torghast but I did get a resto one from torghast. All I know is I got doomwinds to drop from something then lmao sorry I thought it was torghast

Yeah, I got the riptide one from Torghast. Primal Tide Core, I think it is. Wowhead states that Doom Winds only drops from Devos at the end of Spires, so that must be that.

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I think that’s where it was then, I did a heroic last night and that mustve been where I got it and then did torghast and got the other. I probably confused it for 2 torghast runs somehow sorry

I may give up on Doom winds. I’m getting tired of running spires. Maybe they will change the drop rates or institute some bad luck protection.

I also wonder if they give you one legendary right away. Because earthen harmony dropped for me first try but I can’t get doom winds to drop no matter how many times I run spires.

Blizzard should be more transparent about what the system is.


I thought the same thing since I got really lucky with that aswell. Or maybe every class just gets 1 free legendary from the torghast loot table? Who knows

Torghast might be 100% since each wing is only up every few weeks and they drop from specific wings.

I got the resto one from Torghast this week as well. So I have 2 resto and 0 enhance and I main enhance.

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I’m closing in on my 50th run of spires, so count yourselves lucky.

I may just hold off until Tuesday reset and see if they patch drop rates or bad luck protection or give us more clarity on whether there are hidden mechanics like a better chance on your first legendary for the week or something.

This is an absolutely terrible system. I can’t imagine ever repeating this on an alt.

What on earth is supposed to be fun or rewarding about running a normal dungeon ad nauseam for days?

This isn’t some cosmetic mount. This is the best performing item for the spec that everyone is expected to get…

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Can confirm this is NOT the case. I’ve cleared Torghast and didn’t get anything :frowning:

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First run. Not even Enh spec.

So I got this today, it took 13 total kills, 11 normal, 1 heroic, 1 mythic. I got it in Normal.