Doom Winds drop rate?

I don’t know why it hasn’t been nerfed honestly. One legendary shouldn’t be the best at everything. As is, doom winds is best at single target, best at AOE, and best at burst.

And I still don’t have it.

my brain is melting from repeating this place
i dont wanna pve i just wanna smack fools with big numbers

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It’s along boring dungeon, I’m try 15 and I’m sick of the place already.

I’ve thought about just going ahead and making earthen harmony and messing around with that for PvP, world PvP/PvE and Torghast. I’ll make it eventually anyway.

I don’t want to run spires any more. I’m tired of it. It’s burning me out on wow.

Yeah… crafting it is another matter entirely… :crying_cat_face:

Welcome to blizzard’s amazing legendary system, where you run target your legendary and never get it, but someone randomly running around killing mobs will get it. Imagine doing this all week leading up to a raid just to not get it. Then lose your spot because of low dps, something like legendaries in legion…

30 runs down, still nothing

26 runs for mine was the total.

Currently at 19

I have been running it multiple times a day every day since second day of launch without getting it.

Run 29, natta. This game is fun.

I remember reading how I wouldn’t have to pve to pvp in this expansion…

Another chunk of runs with no luck. The resto shaman in our group got it though. Feels bad.

Mine drop this morning at 2am, during run number 17

32 Kills on Muhzala for the Ele one and counting, I know the dialogue pretty good now.

I am currently on run number 42 and it has not dropped I have seen it drop for Ele and restro shams but now Enh

About 7, two heroic ques and 5 normals. dropped in normal.

I got it on my first run, can provide proof if people don’t believe me. Too bad I’m Ele Necrolord so unlikely I will make use of this for a while. Came to this thread to see how lucky I was and it turns out pretty lucky :slight_smile:

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Yeah screw this bull****.
6 consecutive hours running the same consecutive dungeon. On my 31st run. No drop. Yet I’m REQUIRED to have this since it’s BiS.
This game is getting so boring, and I hate their brand new dungeon already. GG Blizz.

I don’t remember it with rose tinted goggles like the rest of the nostalgia crowd. I remember things like SGC and I clench my jaw. As enhancement, get into BRD and say you’re going for SGC and you’d get laughed at then kicked.

Or in any vanilla raid where a loot council was a thing, waiting literally WEEKS for items because you were on the absolute bottom of the list. No thanks, this should not be a thing for enhancement anymore.


I gave up on Doomwinds. Absolutely horrible implementation, the amount of frustration I had with tanks leaving after not getting their loot in 95% of runs, and Devos literally not dropping it for I can’t remember how many runs, I decided not to put myself through anymore misery.

I have my Wolf Bones, and I am currently tearing it up. It is so much fun, and I’m very happy with my decision. Any shaman who feels the same, should join the elemental wolf pack :smiley:

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Ehhh… I wouldn’t put too much stock into the whole BiS thing. There will be buffs and nerfs, plus the differences between each one aren’t all that great to begin with. The only thing is the price of crafting – they’re expensive as heck, so it makes sense you want the most value for your investment.

But I think if you can craft any other legendary for a significantly cheaper price and without having to grind for dozens and dozens of hours, then that might be the way to go.