Doom Winds drop rate?

I must of got really lucky; only a couple of runs.

I think I’m over 20. Still no doom winds.

riptide drop from torghast, doomwind so far, i have 22 runs, including m and h, the other one i want is legacy of frost witch

and it has dropped on run number 23 xd

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It’s already taking longer than I want… having a BIS item gated by random chance is obnoxious to say the least. I mean, it lets me get as much use out of Ele Blast as I can before I HAVE to switch to FFW… but still… just give me the damn thing so I can go back to trying to get Mythic groups already.

Meanwhile I got the Primal Tide core in my FIRST Torghast run.

You can tell some of you so call enhance mains since vanilla dont remember standing in line for gear back in the day…

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You SAY that… buuuuuut…

That reminds me, now that mana issues are back, maybe it’s time to dig out my Spinal Reaper and Black Grasp of the Destroyer gauntlets…

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I got Doom Winds in about 11 runs.
I still havent’g gotten Unruly Winds (conduit, De Other Side, Hakkar).

I am going to be 21 runs on Echoes of the Sundering in a few minutes. Definitely a feels bad moment.

I got a resto leggo from Torghast and an ele one from a heroic. I am still trying to get doomwinds

Right now im on run 102 and still literally no drop. Came across someone else that did 200 runs and it still wont drop. I’m losing my mind but its bis and i need it for raid D:

This is so totally idiotic.

What genius thought it would be fun to gate a BIS legendary that you can craft week 2 behind a normal dungeon that you might have to grind 200 times to get it?

Was it the same genius that thought it was a good idea to have the legendary pattern drop off different bosses in the dungeon for different classes? So that you have to keep reforming your group after each boss?


Yeah its honestly getting ridiculous at this point. Like come on, raid is on the 8th

I just posted this in the general and dungeon forums:

Legendary Grind from Hell?

I knew this xpac was going to be about the afterlife but I didn’t know it was going to be designed to be HELL for the player base.

What is going on with gating legendary patterns behind super low drop rates on dungeon bosses and then, on top of that, putting different patterns for different classes on different bosses in the dungeon?

Some people are getting the legendary pattern the first time. Some people have run the dungeon 100-200 times already, basically spending their first week of the expansion learning to hate one of the new dungeons.

Since different patterns drop from different bosses, classes are leaving mid-dungeon when their pattern doesn’t drop for them off their boss. Not surprising since everyone that is doing this grind hates it.

Please fix this. Or explain what is going on? Is there some hidden system that gives you a guaranteed first legendary and then makes it super low after that? If so, when does it reset?

I main enhance and have 2 resto legendary patterns and no enhance patterns.

So, despite running the same dungeon 20-30 times over the last few days on every level of difficulty available, I will not be crafting a legendary today. I also am wondering how much longer I can stand running this stupid dungeon over and over again for my BIS legendary. And I can’t imagine ever wanting to repeat this on an alt.

Please fix the drop rates or institute a bad luck mitigation system or at least explain what the system is, what the chances are, and whether there are bad luck/first legendary hidden drop rate mechanics and, if so, how they work and when they reset.

This is worse than legion because, in legion, it was at least out of your control. Here, people are expected to go get their BIS legendaries and for some people it’s a walk in the park and for others it’s a total nightmare, apparently just due to the randomness of a dice roll.

Unless your goal with this system was to educate the player base about the cruel hand of fate rather than make a fun game to play, please do something about this.


Same here, apparently they want us to roll resto : p
There should be no reason to have this bad of rng on this item, theres enough other hoops we have to jump through to make them and then upgrade them

Yeah, that’s so weird that y’all are having such a hard time getting it. The system definitely needs some touching up if this is the case for so many people. Either increase the drop rate, institute some kind of bad luck protection (increase the drop rate percentage for each time we don’t get it), or put in some kind of vendor who can sell the memories for soul ash or something.

Until then, just have faith and keep at it! And maybe see about using other enhance legos, if you can get them.

Got mine on my first run of spires (which was on mythic). :yum:

just wanted to chime in that I crafted this legendary today and it feels amazing.

really nukes on aoe pulls and still pumps out good numbers for single target. I’m actually a little worried it will get nerfed

That’s cold…

You should really just keep things like that to yourself.